Nancy Johnson daughter of Josiah Johnson and Sarah Wright daughter of Richard Wright jr. Richard Wright the son of Richard Born 1730 in England.
Lewis born circa 1796-1800 possible son of Phillip and Susannah Shull could be spelled Schull, Scholl, Sholl, etc. Children of Phillip and Susannah Shull,(Susannah possible daughter of John Sapp) : John, Leonard, Catherine, Gabriel, Sally, Polly, Elizabeth, and Malinda.
Associated names Joseph and Polly or Sarah SHull. James "Henry" Shull and Leonard Shull from Indiana circa 1820.
Burlison/ Burlison This family is first known in Massachusetts. In 1790 there was a Joseph and Amos. I don't know where Joseph moved to. Amos is my line. He moved his family to Chenango County to New York between 1806 to 1810. This page last updated February 4, 2008. Stop back for additional information.
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