BCBC Events

Beagle Club of BC Events

Sorry, we have been unable to organize a beagle event for 2008..yet! There's still time! To volunteer to help, contact Harmony Poisson at hpoisson@gmail.com

Take a look at the kind of laid-back fun we usually enjoy...

The Vancouver Island Beagle Fun Day was held Sunday July 23, 2006 from 11 til 4. The beagles and their ardent admirers met at a BCBC club member's "fenced for dogs" 2 1/2 acre property in Nanoose Bay. We had at least 35 beagles at the Fun day despite the heat, and a really great potluck. We sold cold drinks and t-shirts and canvas carry-all bags. It was too hot for games so we mostly sat in the shade, ate, socialized and watched the beagles. We did hold the Costume Contest as there were some pretty "cool" ones along. So cool they all won a prize!!! And a good time was had by all.

While the beagles stayed in the shade and on comfy laps, the odd human was relegated to a dog bed...

While humans sat unaware,
beagles plotted their takeover of the world.

"I needed a rest after struggling with that bra."
Quote from the anonymous Hula Dancer.

Our prettiest Diva smiles as she
shows off an extra ring of tail feathers.

No need for makeup on this Red-Nosed Reindeer!

Showing off with a form-fitting mini-dress
and tinted granny glasses!
Hmmm. Anyone notice it's the red and white beagles who really get into this costume contest thing? They do have a reputation of having a double dose of 'character'!

Beagle Club of BC