Our 2008 membership list is 'missing in action' (computers!)
As memberships all expire December 31st, our solution is to ask ALL persons who wish to join or continue their membership into 2009
to complete the following Membership Form and mail with your cheque for $20 to:

Jan Jeske, BCBC President,
Lot 8 29605 McTavish Road, Abbotsford, BC V4X 2G2


The BCBC is a registered society sanctioned by the Canadian Kennel Club for the promotion and preservation of the Beagle,
through various conformation and performance competitions, public education, social gatherings, beagle rescue, and breeder referrals.

The club was founded over fifteen years ago by a small group of Beagle fanciers, most of whom are still involved in the Club. Our membership is not limited to British Columbia,
though at this point in time only BC resident members have an official vote at club meetings.

We hold a Specialty Show each year, alternating between the Lower Mainland/Island and the Interior regions, Beagle Boosters at dog shows throughout the Province,
Fun and Games days and/or Beagle Walks, and any other events where we have members willing to help and participate.
As always, we are looking for volunteers to organize fun events for beagle fanciers.
It doesn't take much! Get beagle people and their beagles together anywhere, and madness and mayhem (and fun and games!) are sure to follow!

BCBC Code of Ethics

Adopted May 13, 2000

The Beagle Club of British Columbia, recognizing our responsibility to the breed, sets forth this Code of Ethics to reflect the desire of the membership to keep the Beagle sound, healthy, free of hereditary diseases, and conforming to the official CKC breed standard.


Members should ensure that their dogs are kept safe and under control at all times. Members should properly train their dogs so that they are an asset to their community and not a nuisance. Dogs must be maintained with their safety and good health in mind at all times, including adequate and appropriate attention and socialization, grooming, feeding, veterinary care, housing, exercise and training.


Members’ responsibilities include educating the public about the breed, keeping in mind that they and their beagles represent the Beagle, the BCBC, and the sport of pure bred dogs in general.

Members must accept the published Breed Standard of the Canadian Kennel Club (or the other applicable governing body of the country in which they reside or exhibit) as the standard description of physical and temperamental qualities by which the Beagle is to be judged.

Members are required to maintain good sportsmanship at all canine events and competitions, abiding by the applicable rules and regulations set forth by the governing bodies for such events. Members’ conduct should always be in accordance with the purposes and intent of the BCBC Constitution and By-Laws. In addition, members should display a cheerful willingness to help newcomers and observers of the breed.


BCBC members are encouraged to think very carefully over their decision when they undertake to breed a litter. Breeding should only be undertaken with the objects of the BCBC in mind, that is: recognizing that the Beagle was developed as a working hound, encouraging the improvement of the breed by careful and selective breeding of Beagles that possess the structure, soundness, temperament, natural ability and personality that are characterized in the Standard of the breed, and doing all possible to advance and promote the perfection of these qualities.

Members who do breed Beagles are expected to demonstrate honesty and fairness in dealing with other owners and breeders, purchasers of dogs and the general public. Owners of breeding animals should do all appropriate testing to ensure they are using animals as genetically sound as possible. Members shall assure the general health of the sire and dam at the time of breeding, and shall not breed if it could compromise the health of the animals.

Members who breed should only sell puppies, permit stud service and/or lease any stud dogs or brood bitches to individuals who give satisfactory evidence that they will give proper care and attention to the animals concerned, and who may be expected generally to act within the intent of the statements of this Code of Ethics. Members are encouraged to use clear, concise written contracts to document the sale of animals, use of stud dogs, and lease arrangements. The use, when appropriate, of non-breeding agreements and/or Limited Registration is recommended. Members should not sell dogs at auction, or to brokers or commercial dealers.

BCBC members are expected to follow CKC (or the other applicable governing body of the country in which they reside or exhibit) requirements for record-keeping, identification of animals and registration procedures.

Breeders should understand and acknowledge that they may need to take back, or assist in finding a new home for, any dog they produce at any time in its life, if required.

The following breeders are members of the BCBC, and as such are bound by the above Code of Ethics.
The BCBC cannot be responsible for their actions, but we would appreciate your feedback should any member not live up to their commitment.

  • Ahava Beagles, Abbotsford, BC
  • Briarlane Beagles, Abbotsford, BC
  • Breigayt Beagles, Duncan, BC
  • Cragland Kennels, Balgonie, SK
  • Goodsir Beagles, Calgary, Alberta
  • Laponderosa Beagles, Armstrong, BC
  • Lexmark Beagles, Edmonton, Alberta
  • Meriadoc Beagles, Victoria, BC
  • O'Sheehan's Beagles, Victoria, BC
  • Tashtin Beagles, Enderby, BC
  • Waskasoo Kennel, Red Deer, Alberta
  • Windyhill Beagles, Balzac, Alberta

    Beagle Club of BC