Friday November 21st 1997
At a routine checkup, Helen's blood pressure was discovered to be higher than normal. Helen was asked to go to the hospital. It was checked again at the hospital and she was asked to return on the Monday, for three reasons
Under those circumstances she might have to be induced.
Monday 24th
The hospital decided not to induce Helen, although they did not do another scan. She was asked to return on Thursday, and in the meantime take an accurate note of the number of times the baby moved between 9am and 9pm.
Thursday 27th
When Helen was scanned They were unable to find any amniotic fluid, and therefore decided to induce her. At 16:30 she was induced, and at 22:00 we were moved to the Labour Ward when Helen was about 4cms dilated (helped on by a game of scrabble!)
On breaking Helen's waters, our baby's heart rate dropped from 143bpm to 63bpm (it turned out the hospital were wrong. Helen had not lost the amniotic fluid). The trace of the heart monitor was faxed to the consultant, who informed the hospital that they should deliver the baby as soon as possible. The hospital discovered afterwards that there was little chance of him surviving a normal birth, as the placenta wasn't very healthy.
I was then rushed off to be changed into the usual
theatre garb (no, no, I don't mean tights, this wasn't that sort of
theatre. I mean the hat, the mask and the clogs). Helen had an epidural,
meaning she was awake for the birth. Nathan put in his appearance at
23:00. He cried for the first time (so his lungs were working OK!). He was
checked over and given back to us. I took his picture when he was weighed.
He weighed in at 2.38kg (5lb 4oz in old money).
Friday 28th
Nathan seems to be more interested in sleeping than food. Today he had his Vitamin K injection, which he should have had at birth. (This, as I recall, was never mentioned in the ante-natal classes. I went home after the birth and before the midwife asked us about it, so Helen didn't know what to do.) This was his feeding today.
Apparently it is normal for new-born babies to find it difficult to breastfeed, as he's having to learn a new skill! The other skill he's learned straight away is the nappy-filling one. He's filled three nappies today!
Saturday 29th
Nathan made a bit more progress today in the way of feeding, and he managed to show off his crying skills. He has filled another three nappies. A blood test was taken as he was slightly jaundiced, but it showed that the jaundice was below treatment level, and should clear up with regular feeding.
This was today's feeding routine.
Nathan had his first really good cry when Dad (that's
me, in case you've lost the plot) put him to bed at 20:00. Dad then
started guessing. Is it the nappy? No, that was OK. Was it wind? Hardly
likely, as he hadn't drank that much. Perhaps he wanted food? I gave him
to mum, but he wasn't interested. (I hope Helen doesn't take this
personally!) It turned out that he just wanted to be held by his mum, and
fell asleep in her arms. Aaah! So off he went to bed. He nearly started to
cry again, but dad stroked his cheek till he fell asleep. A success!
Sunday 30th November
Further blood test showed that Nathan does have jaundice, so he's had to go onto a "sunbed" (ie a photo-therapy unit). He has improved his feeding and nappy filling (another 4) skills today. Mother's real milk came through today (rather than colostrum), much to her surprise.
I think young Nathan was feeling lonely today. He
couldn't be picked up as he needed to stay on his "sunbed".
Mummy and Daddy prayed over him though, and he was much better.
Monday 1st December
This afternoon Nathan came off his "sunbed", since a blood test showed that he was better. Daddy was with him when the blood was taken from his heel, but that didn't stop him screaming. Mum started using a nipple shield, as little Nathan couldn't get a good grip. More feeding information.
Tuesday 2nd
Granny and Grandad Hillman came to visit Nathan today (see above pictures). Granny Hillman is Dad's mother, and she was really proud to hold her first Grandson.
Nathan's blood test today showed that his level of jaundice was below treatment level. He will have another test tomorrow morning, although the hospital prefers him to go home before 15:00, as it is getting so cold now (though we haven't had snow yet, unlike in Brighton). This means he probably won't come home until Thursday now, because blood tests are taken around 10:00-11:00, and haematology can't get the results back that quick!
Wednesday 3rd
Nathan has come home! The second test today, received back at about 13:00, showed that his level of jaundice was still below treatment level, meaning he might have to go back. He left the hospital today at 19:15, in a mad dash from the hospital to the car (because it was very cold). Anyway, he brought a special present home for mum and dad. Diarrhoea! Apparently this is a side effect of the photo-therapy treatment. He even managed to get it up his back as well.
Anyway, Mum and Dad had a very late night tonight. At least Dad is taking the morning off work tomorrow.
Thursday 4th
Nathan's first full day at home. The midwife called this morning and found Mum and Dad still in their night-clothes! Daddy found first night with Nathan very traumatic. His first response to Nathan's night-time demands was to ask whether Mummy could perhaps feed the baby a bit more quietly! (Mummy has now forgiven Daddy for his insensitivity). The midwife called today and said "He's just a little dot, isn't he?". I know he's small, but that's a bit much. This leads me on to a question. Does anyone know why you can't get smaller nappies for premature babies? Newborn nappies are too big for our son.
We are pleased to say that Nathan is feeding without the nipple shield now.
Friday 5th
Nathan had his first bath at home today, and his first visit by the Doctor. After giving him a thorough checkover, Nathan decided that the Doctor was perfectly healthy. (The midwife was supposed to visit, but she didn't knock loud enough, so she didn't get in. It seemed pointless having both of them checked out by our child, so we cancelled her for today).
Saturday 6th
Daddy spent most of today fixing a trapdoor to the loft. Last year he installed a loft-ladder, but hasn't bothered to fit the trapdoor! Even though the loft entrance is in a cupboard, there was still a draught.
Nathan checked the midwife over when she knocked at 12:00 (loudly this time). She won't be calling tomorrow as he is getting much better.
Last night Nathan slept from midnight till 07:00 without wanting a feed. Mummy is worried, so she is setting the alarm clock for 05:00 tonight to make sure he wakes up.
Sunday 7th
Nathan has no interest in nighttime feeds. Even though Mum woke him at 05:00, he only fed for ten minutes, then fell asleep!
Monday 8th
Nathan had a feed at about 1:00, so Dad set the alarm for 6:00. He didn't wake up! Mum gave him an early breakfast though.
The midwife came round for the last time today. She says that Nathan is doing very well, and she no longer needs to come round. Mum and Dad bathed Nathan again (this time using a lot less water).
Gran came to stay this week. A very welcome helper who
is staying with us till just after Christmas.
Tuesday 9th
Mum and Dad went to register the birth of their child, now officially known as Nathan Paul Airey. The health visitor called today, and collected his NHS card (issued with his birth certificate). She weighed Nathan at 2.36kg (5lb 3oz in old money). His height is 47cm ( It is normal for newborn babies to lose a bit of weight, but since Nathan has only lost one ounce, he's doing very well. (He'll soon make it up).
Wednesday 10th
Mummy and Daddy took Nathan out shopping in his pram. Despite it being a little windy and the pavement being bumpy, Nathan was very calm throughout.
Thursday 11th
Now that we've told all our friends what a quiet, placid little baby Nathan is, he has decided to prove us wrong. He wouldn't settle at teatime, and cried very very loud! Mum was very distraught, and decided to leave her meal to feed Nathan. (Dad then tried to feed Mum!) He had another bath tonight, and settled down rather well.
Friday 12th
Nathan was a lot quieter today, which might be because
Dad was off work. Mum and Dad went to a special lunch, leaving Nathan with
Gran, and he was alright. He probably hadn't noticed we'd gone, as he
slept throughout.
Saturday 13th
Nathan kept Mum and Dad awake until 2am. He just
wouldn't settle, whatever we did. When we picked him up, he would stop
crying, but as soon as he was returned to his "Moses basket" (on
very grateful loan) he started crying again. We think he had wind, but we
couldn't bring any wind up. Eventually he settled, so Mum and Dad had a
Sunday 14th
Today Nathan went with Mum and Dad to meet the church that they are members of. He was very well behaved, though Dad held him a few times to calm him down. He really enjoys the singing, which is hardly surprising as he enjoyed it when he was inside his Mother.
Tonight Nathan fell asleep on his Dad's chest. I think he likes to listen to his heartbeat. Dad put him back in his basket.
Monday 15th
Dad had his work's Christmas Meal today, so he took young Nathan to show to everyone in his department (18 other people in total). They were delighted to see him, and wanted him to stay. He fell asleep in the car on the way there and on the way back.
Once again, Dad put Nathan on his chest, and he slept really well.
Tuesday 16th
Last night Nathan slept from about midnight till 05:30. Mum gets worried when he doesn't feed much during the night, but Dad says she should be grateful for the sleep!
Dad has got a cold, so he isn't allowed near Nathan. Mum has one as well, though it isn't as bad as Dad's at the moment. Nathan hasn't caught it
Wednesday 17th
The Health visitor weighed Nathan today, and he weighs 2.46kg (5lb 7oz, a gain of 4oz. It is normal for babies to gain about 1/2 oz per day). Since it is eight days since he was last weighed, he is doing really well. Mum had a siesta today because she had a very disturbed night with Nathan.
A neighbour called round to the back door today and got a frosty reception from Dad. The dialog follows:
Neighbour "Can I see the baby?"
Dad "Who are you?"
Neighbour "I live at No. 49"
Dad "Oh, I'm sorry, come in!"
In being protective, Dad has now lost his tact and diplomacy award for 1997.
Thursday 18th
Today Nathan was getting much warmer, so Dad decided
that it was time to switch the heating off at night. Until now the heating
has been running 24 hours. This made things a bit warm for Mum and Dad but
it kept him warm, as he could easily get cold.
Friday 19th
Saturday 20th
Sunday 21st
Nathan's second trip to the Sunday morning Church meeting. He slept through the worship, but kept away while our Pastor was preaching. (Last week he slept through it). He didn't cause any disturbance, thus keeping up the public image that he's really well behaved and quiet. But Mum and Dad know better!
Monday 22nd
Tuesday 23rd
The health visitor came round today, and weighed
Nathan. He is now 2.58kg (5lb 11oz), which is a gain of 120g (4 ounces) in
six days.
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Nathan's first Christmas. Mum and Dad opened his presents for him (he wasn't really interested in opening them himself!) He was overwhelmed by everyone's generosity.
Boxing Day (UK)
Today we turned the heating off at night. It is the first time since he came out of hospital four weeks ago. He was so small we didn't think he could keep himself warm, but last night he seemed to be a bit sweaty, so we've decided just to use the heating during the day.
Saturday 27th
Sunday 28th
Helen's sister, brother-in-law and three nieces came to
visit Nathan today. He was well behaved, but I think he missed his morning
sleep (he tends to sleep most of the morning, and stay awake in the
afternoon a bit more). He took a long time to settle.
Monday 29th
Last night Nathan must have been really tired. He slept
from 23:00 to 07:00 this morning.
Tuesday 30th
This afternoon and evening Nathan was very unsettled,
except for a few brief hours in the evening. Mum and Dad took Nathan to
see the Doctor, who recommended Infacol for wind. They went and got some,
and Nathan slept OK after that. This was Nathan's first trip to the
Wednesday 31st
Today the Health Visitor checked out Nathan again. He
now weighs 2.8kg (6lb 3oz), a gain of 220g (8 ounces) in 8 days. That's
double his previous gain. Mum and Dad took him out to meet two of our
friends this afternoon and tonight Nathan celebrated the New Year with a
joint meeting with our Church and another in the City. He was taken home
quick before he could get cold (although he was OK otherwise).
Thursday 1st January
Granny and Grandad Hillman came to see Nathan today,
and gave their permission to put their picture on this page (see above).