Rippee - Rippey - Rippy
John G. Hughes, Sr.
HCR 3 Box 337
Alturas, CA 96101
(530) 233-3205
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March 26, 1998
My family descends from James Rippy of Ashe County, North Carolina. There were at least two other Ripp(e)y family lines from North Carolina. Matthew Rippy and Edward Rippey were both of Orange County. It is believed they came from Dublin Ireland.
Other Rippey families were from Pennsylvania and Virginia (now West Virginia). One of these families was that of Joseph Rippey of Berkeley County, Virginia.
I have tried to document my information sources by collecting them on electronic files. This is a work in progress and unfortunately I didn't start until late into my genealogical endeavor. I try to keep the information in a book type format and have converted the files for publication here on the web. To look at my "book" just click here:
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