11/12/99 06:10:46
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook
Dave Miles - 10/31/99 15:51:45
My Email:miles@bideford41.freeserve.co.uk
Visited your web site.
We are Dave & Margaret Miles
Two sons, Lee Gavin, one Westie dog, Bonnie.
Angie Simpkins - 03/09/99 22:23:21
My Email:bugman@i-plus.net
will email you.
10/03/98 21:30:01
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Patricia Sangster - 09/17/98 12:18:53
My URL:http://www.carmans.com/sangster
My Email:sangster@golden.net
Hi Kirsten,
I guess I hadn't been to your page in a long time. I had never seen the spring 98 photo (brother & sister) . So precious. Has anyone ever told you you have an incredible eye? All your photos are gorgeous and your children just beautiful :)
Take care
Charlene - 09/05/98 06:11:32
My URL:/Heartland/Estates/9969
My Email:rcvidal@mnsi.net
Great page. Love the setup
Have a lovely family
Take care and God Bless
Bari, Heartland CL - 04/13/98 19:55:38
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/5493/
My Email:nirenberg@geocities.com
It's me, your Community Leader! I just dropped in to say hello!
sharron Miles - 04/08/98 04:28:13
My Email:sharron@tenet.edu
I love your web site. You are way ahead of me.
got your precious note. (and e-mail) Keep me in your thoughts as we get ready for this year's reunion.
Bari - 01/04/98 10:24:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/5493
My Email:nirenberg@geocities.com
Hi! I'm the Community Leader for Heartland/Hills/3250-3499. I was just here checking out your page.
JOHN PIRIE - 12/05/97 16:08:47
My Email:jcp@town.richmond.hill.on.ca
help... I don't think I can do what you requested. I don't think it has been set up. this is a town effort, . Thhis group likes to "help" when they offer, usually its time to run away.
- 12/05/97 05:30:46
Uncle John, Try clicking on my e-mail address in the webpage, and send me a message if you can. Your software should automatically put in the correct return address in the message, and then I will have it. The painting sounds really neat! How interest
ng. How did Lynette enjoy her trip? Miss you guys and say hello to all! Get the e-mail going and I will be able to write more.
JOHN PIRIE ESQ. - 12/04/97 18:26:39
My Email:jcp@town.richmond.hill.on.ca
i suspect the towns system is only partially set up. can you end yourself a message for me. I'm not sure if this thing actual goes anywhere. Thanks
Interesting story... when we were last in Virginia we took photos at Mabry MIll on the parkway. Robert noticed that one photo was almost idential to one of my mother's oil paintings. next time your up remind me & I'll show it to you.
ta ta for now
Auntie Jean - 11/28/97 20:20:40
Happy Thanksgiving, belatedly. Hope you "gobbled" up lots of turkey. I see my other brother has been sending you messages as well. He is a man of very few words. I'm going to have a few words myself with Matthew and the e-mail. That sounds like a good na
e for a Techno Group. Love ya.
JOHN PIRIE - 11/27/97 17:48:51
My Email:jcp@town.richmond.hill.on.ca
From Texas! - 11/27/97 05:33:31
Dear Auntie Jean!
Hope you have fun tomorrow in your pink nightie! I will be consuming indecent quantities of turkey, if I don't fall flat on my face on the table upon serving it. I will be thinking of you during the short portion of the evening that I expect my brain
to be functioning ;> Love, Kirsten
Amy Coloma - 11/25/97 17:42:48
My URL:/heartland/hills/7256
My Email:pookie@nwlink.com
Oh, Kirsten! What a peek into your life! I am envious of the part of your life with the beautiful Elissa. WOW. What an awesome vessel. I really loved the caption you put about Michelle...'There is a little girl peeking out from my baby's face...' Wa
hh! Isn't it amazing, though, that we can now begin to see our tiny little baby turning into this little toddler. It goes by so quickly. I really enjoyed your page. Every link worked except for the one for Elissa Images. :)
Auntie Jean - 11/25/97 17:08:30
Thanks for fixing the pix. They're great. I can't believe how much older Michelle looks. You're right about the little girl part. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to share the day. It's pyjama day at the nursery school on Thursday, I'm going to wear my big p
nk nightie. Just thought you'd like to know that. Love and kisses to all of you.
Julie & Rachel Wheat - 11/25/97 15:26:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/enchantedforest/5376
My Email:juliew@biggs-gilmore.com
We loved looking at your pictures! I had never been to your site before, and the shot at the hospital is absolutely beautiful. What a lovely image. :) I also love the shot of Michelle under the table. Thanks for sharing!
Julie & Rachel
kira - 11/25/97 13:51:43
My Email:kira@its.uct.ac.za
Ah Kirsten, your pictures are great.
I especially love the one of your main page, of
the whole family welcoming your precious
daughter - that's one I'd blow up and hang in a
prominent place at home, if I were you!
Emma Callahan - 11/25/97 13:47:19
My URL:http://www-personal.umich.edu/~sacall/
My Email:sacall@umich.edu
Michelle - your Birthday pictures are too cute!! How nice to have such a wonderful brother. Take care - Love, Emma (another november baby)
Adrienne Anderson - 11/25/97 01:29:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/plains/7723
My Email:ozlady@wr.com.au
I love the photo of Michelle with cake crumbs on her face - she looks sooooo happy!
Love from Adrienne and Liam
Patricia Sangster - 11/25/97 00:31:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/8392
My Email:buddy@sos.on.ca
I love the new pictures . They are great. Looks like you had a great time.
Auntie Jean - 11/24/97 20:46:04
I tried to load some of the pictures but I got the message that they could not be found. Specifically, the first two groups. Not much new news, only old news. Bye for now.
Amy & Colin - 11/24/97 16:59:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/hills/7256
My Email:pookie@nwlink.com
What beautiful pictures! You have a very lovely family. Michelle is a very pretty little girl! I really enjoyed the pictures. Nice job on the page!
Auntie Jean - 11/21/97 20:57:46
Glad Michelle's birhtday was such fun for all of you. Nothing much new here. I was talking to Aunt Verna yesterday. She says to say HI, she's fine. We now have a major postal strike, so no long letters from me. What a surprise. Everyone that I know in New
arket is well. We're going there in a couple of weeks. It's John's and Scott's birthdays-always another excuse to eat alot. I know shat you mean about the cookies. I used to make a huge batch of ginger bread cookie dough and put it in the fridge. Then jus
have to roll them out. Oh well, all in a Mom's day (or night). I'm glad it's the weekend even though I have to work on Sunday. At least I don't have any lunches to pack. April will be here before we know it. I can hardly wait. Hugs and Kisses to all. A.J
- 11/19/97 12:29:17
Dear Antie Jean,
My Birthday was really fun! I got to run around to my brother's classes all morning but mommy kissed me the whole time so I couldn't be too cross. Mommy got a little too busy in the kitchen. I didn't care for that but Daddy played with me lots! Then
she put something on the table and it glowed and I got to *almost* touch it but Brendan blew it away first. Whatever it was on was soft and **Yummy** as I got to swipe a taste. I got some more of that too! I got this little plastic boat with fishing po
es and fish. I loved passing out fish until my Brother took it off to the bath. He is a big hog sometimes. *Michelle's Birthday*, he didn't look at the calendar. Well, here is mommy, hurry so she can go back to bed ;>
Yes, I am up in the wee hours making cookies to take to b's School turkey day dinner. I wish now I was not so ambitious and had signed up for the little bag of carrots ;> I still haven't gotten the pictures updated but I will!!! There are airline rate
ars right now, and I am going to check out April flights this week. Wish it were sooner. Tons to write, better go back to bed for a bit... Love and Love and Hello Eric and Jamie and Scott and Matt and Hugs Auntie Jean. BTW, Uncle John sent a msg but
y reply bounced ;(
Auntie Jean - 11/18/97 21:33:43
Yes, I guess it must be funny to write to yourself in order to write to me. But hey, it's working. I was very excited to get your message. Considering the speed with which things get done around here, we may be doing this for a while. Matt laughed when I
aid you would fix us up in April with whatever is needed and said he would do it very soon. I won't hold my breath. Jamie says HI to Brendan. We all say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MICHELLE. It's hard to believe she's 1 already. We are all fine and miss you all a g
eat deal. It would be wonderful if you ever do end up in Niagara Falls. We could even do lunch! How are the Bambi Burgers? I got my Margaret Atwood books back from Matt's mother, but I can't remember which one you bought when I was in Houston. I will keep
them all for you and you can take them back with you in April. I love you. Wish I could see you every day. Well, every other day anyway. Bye for now. Write to yourself soon.
Auntie Jean - 11/18/97 21:30:29
Yes, I guess it must be funny to write to yourself in order to write to me. But hey, it's working. I was very excited to get your message. Considering the speed with which things get done around here, we may be doing this for a while. Matt laughed when I
aid you would fix us up in April with whatever is needed and said he would do it very soon. I won't hold my breath. Jamie says HI to Brendan. We all say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MICHELLE. It's hard to believe she's 1 already. We are all fine and miss you all a g
eat deal. It would be wonderful if you ever do end up in Niagara Falls. We could even do lunch! How are the Bambi Burgers? I got my Margaret Atwood books back from Matt's mother, but I can't remember which one you bought when I was in Houston. I will keep
them all for you and you can take them back with you in April. I love you. Wish I could see you every day. Well, every other day anyway. Bye for now. Write to yourself soon.
From your neice - 11/17/97 02:55:18
Antie Jean, funny way to send messages ;> Thanks for yours. It has been lovely to have children who are well. A few play dates and Brendan is a loveable little boy again... So glad they are no longer miserable and I can snatch a minute here or there.
Got to run, you need to get an e-mail address so I do not have to write to myself to send you messages! Hugs, K
Auntie Jean - 11/16/97 19:10:48
Who knows if this will ever reach you. I don't have a clue. It was great to talk to you yesterday. Last Sunday, all us Piries and Shakespeares looked at your pictures and marvelled at all this technology that lets us look at the wedding pictures. I forgot
to ask you yesterday if you got our first message. I'm going to call you later to find out if you got this one. Lots of Love.
john pirie - 11/10/97 13:57:19
My Email:jcp@town.richmond.hill.on.ca
just checking up on everyone.. regards
The Shakespeares - 11/06/97 03:18:08
Great pictures! Eric liked the cake. Matt says he'll work on getting the URL and E-mail addresses for you (this weekend! - said Jean).
Ava Miedzinski - 11/04/97 18:50:17
My URL:http://www.hal-pc.org/~miedzins
My Email:miedzins@hal-pc.org
- 10/29/97 02:56:49
- 09/22/97 02:10:07