Our annual gathering at Mt. Airy Lodge
allowed the opportunity to capture
a few photos of some of our family members.

In a relaxed moment, Patrick McDonald offers
a smile while Al & Kris opt for the more
conventional blank-gaze into the camera.

Bob ponders the long trip home and cousin
Rich is captured with a slanted eye.  Fifi
and our aunt Gina allow the camera
to 'snap' while Anne tries to avoid
the issue.

Our family matriarch, Connie, loves
the activity surrounding her.
Michael, Kim & Vincent offer themelves
to the camera as does Amy.
Here we find, from left to right---
Patrick, Jessica, Amy & Michael.

Joining the family reunion is Dianne's
daughter, Stephanie, and her family.
The Tettemers:
Ron & Stephanie, Cody & April