The Pets!

Maggie (Tally's Black Magic (registered name), Maggie Mae)

As you can tell, Maggie is black. Extremely black! She's so black, light just falls into her! Don't be deceived by the fact that she's laying down in the picture. Maggie is pure energy. Even though the gray hair is starting to come in around her mouth, she isn't slowing down or showing any sign of feeling middle-aged. She has become good friends with the cats, and even tolerates Cassie's occasional grooming. She is also a better mouser than either of our two cats.

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Molly (The unmoveable Molly Brown, Two Ton, Molly Wog)

Molly doesn't move much - unless there's food involved. She's a big believer in the conservation of resources. We will frequently check Molly's pulse, just to be sure. She is also a very sweet dog. She has never complained about the kids climbing on her or rolling over her. She is very content to lay at your feet for hours on end just to be with you.

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Sasha (Fat Cat)

Sasha joined our family in Arkansas. She was originally a stray that a kind soul had taken in because she had already had some kittens and he didn't want them starving in the streets. We took Sasha after she weaned her kittens because we wanted a cat that was already big enough to defend herself from the dogs. And she kept the mice away! She isn't quite sure why we brought home Cassie, but she has forgiven us.

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Jake (Born: Mid-94, Died: 9/12/1998)

Jake lived far too short a life on this earth, but we know he is blessing us from above (and sending lots of strays our way!).Lisa found Jake in the neighborhood where we were renting and talked me into taking care of him until we found his owners (he had a rope around his neck that he had apparently chewed through). The vet check revealed an infected tail that was too far gone to save so we had it amputated. Newspaper ads went unanswered so we started to look for people that would be interested in taking him in. However, he chewed up one of the girls' wooden blocks and punctured his small intestines with the splinters. The vet had to remove a large portion of his intestines and keep him for a few days. He was not expected to live, but surprised everyone. Lisa decided to keep him because  he was a loyal and lovable dog. He enjoyed another 2 years with us until he was tragically killed by a car.

Cassie (Cassiopeia) (picture to come)

Cassie was an abandoned kitten rescued by a kind-hearted woman. We adopted her when she was a mere 7 weeks old. She loved to snuggle atop Alan's shoulder while he worked at the computer. After an initial ..ahem .. adjustment period, she and Sasha have become quite close and love to groom each other. They also recently teamed up for a mouse hunt. Cassie is one of the most cuddly cats I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. She sleeps on one of us every night. She does, however, have an irritating habit of chewing on drawer pulls. We don't have the faintest idea why she does this.


When we moved into our new house, Maverick lived next door. At the time, he was rather a nuisance, as he hung out in our yard, but had never been socialized. His owners moved and left him behind (#$%**don't get me started), so we started feeding him. We weren't going to let him starve to death in our yard. Maverick needed shots and "fixing" but presented quite a challenge, as he would not let people near him. After a whole lot of tranquilizers, we got him to the vet, only to discover he had a case of heartworm. Blessing our neighbor (yeah, right), we treated him, neutered him, and got him vaccinated. It took another year to get him to trust us enough  to let us touch him. He has now decided that he likes being touched, (and petted, and rubbed, and played with) after all. He is actually spending time in the house and is on his way to becoming a true companion. We are glad we stuck with him, as he is an extremely smart and loyal dog.

The G-Pigs (Daisy,Lily,Sunny,Captain)

What? you've never seen vacationing G-pigs before? Captain was the first to join our family, only back then he was "Rosie". A few months and a couple of, ahem, body parts later, "Rosie" became "Captain". Daisy came next, and quickly let Captain know that this "male dominance" thing only goes so far. They became fast friends. A trip to the pet store to get food for Captain and Daisy became a ride home for Sunny and Lily, who are sisters. The pigs are affectionate, noisy, and always appreciate hearing the refrigerator door open. Annual vacations to the coast keep them healthy, except for one of Lily's eyes, which was recently removed, due to an infection caused by a cat licking her (can you guess which cat?).

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