Mary's Page

Hi, my name is Mary Alyssa Reynolds. I am 10 years old and in the 5th grade. My favorite subject is science. I love animals. I play soccer for the Stars (undefeated), and I am obsessed with Sailor Mars, from the cartoon show Sailor Moon. I am even working on my own web page all about Sailor Mars. When it is finished, I will put a link to it here. 

Some of my favorite pictures of Sailor Mars

All the Sailor Scouts and the cats, Luna and Artemis

Biographical Information

December 27, 1990 4:43 PM PST
I arrive in time to beat the tax filing deadline! And to everyone's surprise (except Mommy's and Aunt Chrystal's) I was a girl!!! Mommy and Daddy could not have asked for a better Christmas present.
February 16, 1994
My world is upset ever so slightly with the arrival of my baby sister, Katy.
December 27, 1994
My fourth birthday was held at Discovery Zone in San Jose. If you've never been to one, it's like a McDonalds playland on steroids. The parents can go in too! A good time was had by all!! (except for those adults without kneepads)
August 5, 1996
I started Kindergarten at Elm Tree Elementary School. It is a year round school with some very forward thinking teachers and administrators. My teacher's name is Miss Cover (pronounced Coe - ver).
February 18, 1997
I attended my Daisy Girl Scout Investiture ceremony. Mommy is my troop leader and gets to be on stage with me while I make my Girl Scout Promise.
August 18, 1997
I start first grade! My first new friend's name is Kayla. My parents and teacher decide to send me to second grade math and reading because I passed the first grade end-of-year test my second day at school.
September  1997
I was skipped ahead to second grade! First grade was just too easy. All we did was color and play. BORING! I still get to see Kayla since my second grade class is just two doors down from my first grade class and I've made a new friend Jessica in my second grade class that lives on my street!
February  1998
I won a science contest at school! I made a constellation box with cards for six different constellations. My prize was a trip to Space Camp in Alabama.
May 1998
My whole family went to Space Camp with me. We had fun but I think Daddy liked it more than I did. We stayed in a hotel next to Space Camp and got to swim in the pool! I also started taking Tae Kwon Do this month and had my dance recital. We did a tap dance to Everything Old Is New Again.
June 1998
I broke a board in Tae Kwon Do on the first try and earned my first stripe on my white belt!
August 1998
I earned my Orange belt and a stripe in Tae Kwon Do.
February 1999
I won the school science contest for the second year in a row! I made a display that told about how people weigh different amounts on the different planets because of the varying amount of gravity on each planet. I made a chart with each of the nine planets on it and included a bathroom scale so kids could get their earth weight. I added a calculator so they could find out how much they weigh on each planet and write it down on their copy of the chart. The prize was another trip to Space Camp, but I didn't want to go.
Fall 2000
I played soccer for the first time. My team's name is the Stars. We are undefeated! I am playing mostly defense, but hope to learn some more skills and play forward sometimes so I can score goals! I am about to start the Spring season.

Personal Interests

I love anything even slightly related to art projects and I spend many hours painting, drawing, and gluing. I will showcase some of my art projects on this page as time and space permit.
I have always loved books. Mommy and Daddy have made it a point to read to me since I was tiny and it has paid off. It's really fun now because I can read all by myself!!.
I have always liked numbers and I am very good at math. I enjoy working on math problems. I plan to be a doctor or scientist when I grow up!
Computer Games
I started playing on my Daddy's computer when I was two years old. Since then, I have become quite good at it. My favorite games are Solitaire, FreeCell, Minesweeper, and the SIMS. My Grandpa Billy gave me a book on HTML programming and i am learning how to create my own web page.
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