Lisa's Page

What can I say about me?  I am such a complex creature, as those who know me are quite aware. I am a wife and mother. I sell real estate. I volunteer at the kids' schools. I try to write fiction. I love animals to a fault. I currently share a home with 3 dogs, 2 cats, 4 guinea pigs, and a bunch of fish. I would have more, but...Alan and I have different ideas about the tolerable amount of hair in any one house. I love to read. I try to get involved in causes I believe in. I am passionate about everything I do. And I love country music. I also think G W Bush is a shrub.


Biographical Information (like you care)

February 17, 1966 4:12 p.m.
Though I don't remember the day, I am told that I was born. I am sure this was the single most momentous event of my parent's lives! I made my entrance after roughly 8 hours of labor and even waited for my dad to make a sales call on the way to the hospital! I was given the name Lisa, for my mother's band teacher's daughter, and Michele for the Beatles' song.
January 1977
I moved, (with my family) to Morgan Hill, CA from Fountain Valley, CA. The difference between Northern California and Southern California is like night and day. We couldn't sleep at night because instead of traffic, we heard crickets. We actually had to call the operator and ask her to dial an outside number. It was as though we had moved to Mayberry! I spent the rest of my childhood in Morgan Hill and grew to love the peaceful, country lifestyle.
June , 1983
I graduated from Live Oak High School, home of the "Acorns".
 August 6, 1988 11:00 a.m.
I married Alan Reynolds, my former classmate. It took two years of marriage before we could stop laughing every time we kissed and said, "I married YOU?!?" I know we took all of our friends by surprise, but the last laugh is on them. We have proven our love will endure.
December 27, 1990 4:43 p.m
My prayers were answered with the birth of my first child, Mary Alyssa. I never really understood the power of a mother's love before she came into my life
February 16, 1994 11:02 p.m.
Katherine Grace Reynolds (Katy) finally arrived! I worried throughout my pregnancy that I could never love another child as much as I loved Mary, but Katy quickly proved me wrong. I was twice blessed with the most wonderful children in all creation!
April 1995
We headed East and landed in Northwest Arkansas. Some may say we're crazy, but I never regretted our decision to move to what many call "God's Country".
November 1995
We experienced our very first snowfall! The girls were asleep, but Alan and I ran around like kids videotaping snowflakes in the dark. Of course, we called my family back in California to share our excitement. I think they decided then and there that we were insane. But I have never seen anything more beautiful than a first snow fall.
February 18, 1997
I proudly stood on stage to receive the Girl Scout promise from each of my 13 Daisy Girl Scouts. The night was even more special because Mary was one of them!
May 1997
Alan accepted a job in Tennessee and had to move ahead of me and the girls. We stayed behind to finish the school year and try to sell the house.
July 1997
We finally joined Alan in Tennessee. I cried for a month because the house we found to rent was so disgusting. But I adjusted and we all made new friends.
December 1998
Our new house was finished and we finally settled in.
May 1999
 I passed my real estate licensing exam and went back to work (part-time, of course).
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Personal Interests

Writing Fiction and Poetry
I have always enjoyed writing and in 1996 decided to enroll in a writer's workshop. I  continued with the workshop until we left Arkansas.I have not found a writer's group in Tennessee, but have tried to keep up on my own. I actually got an Honorable Mention in a fiction contest!. I am going to start trying to get published and may actually put some of my short stories and poetry here for your perusal.(maybe)
What can I say, I love 'em. Anything to do with horses interests me.
I come by this naturally. Both of my parents are voracious readers. I inherited their love of a good book, or magazine, or newspaper, or whatever! I read every chance I get. Since having kids, this is usually late at night, in the bath tub.
 Country Music
 My earliest memories of country music are of listening to KFOX in the backseat of my mother's car. Although I went through the requisite teen rock phase (Journey Rules), I returned to my country roots as an adult. Had I not married Alan, I'm convinced I would now be Mrs. Vince Gill.
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