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Those of you who don't know me may be wondering, "So who's this
Alan guy?" Excellent question! My full name is Charles Alan Reynolds. I am a
truly gifted software developer and a loving and devoted husband, father, son, and friend. Above
all, though, I am humble! If you haven't been there yet, you can see a picture of me on
the Family Photos page. Currently, I am an
independent contractor. That means I'm not always sure where I'll be working
from month to month (or if I'll be working), but I'm having fun meeting new
people and making more money!! That's enough about my career. I like to think I'm
more than my job. To learn a little more about me, read on.......
- July 27, 1965
- The world became a little better place to be! I was born in Pasadena,
Texas at 1:45 P.M. CDT. The nurses proclaimed me to be the cutest baby they had ever seen
(or so my mother tells me!).
- August 1978
- Left the great state of Texas to move (with my parents, of course) to San Jose, CA.
- June 1983
- Graduated from Live Oak High School, Morgan Hill, CA.
- March 1986
- Started my first REAL job at Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, Sunnyvale, CA. I started at an amazing $6.00/hour!
- August 6, 1988
- I get married to Lisa Michele Edge at 11:00 am at the Morgan Hill Presbyterian Church.
- December 27, 1990
- I become a father with the birth of Mary. It is a moment I will remember for the rest of my life. Mary wasn't completely out yet but as the
doctor turned her head and shoulders my way, she opened her eyes and stared right at me!
- January 1991
- After taking a break from college to live a little and get married, I
graduate from National University (San Jose Campus) Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of
Science degree in Computer Science.
- February 16, 1994
- I become a father again with the birth of Katy.
Although there wasn't a defining moment at Katy's birth, I still remember it like it was
yesterday. My mother and mother-in-law remember it also as they both refused to leave even
to go to the bathroom so they wouldn't miss the birth.
- April 1995
- Packed up the wife, kids, and dogs (only had two at the time) and moved
to Arkansas. In some ways it was a major culture shock compared to California, but for the
most part it was, literally, a breath of fresh air!
- July 1995
- Somehow manage to become a home owner again after taking a bath in
California real estate.
- November 1996
- Hospitalized with food poisoning. The lab botches the culture so the
exact cause remains a mystery. Lisa feels that it was e Coli but I lean towards
salmonella. Believe me, you don't want any more details than this.
- June/July 1997
- On the move again! I start a new job with State Industries in Ashland City, Tennessee.
- March 1998
- I attended my first VBITS (Visual Basic Insiders Technical Summit)
conference! It was in San Francisco and I had a great time. I learned a few new things,
too. I was able to meet a few of the movers and shakers in the industry.
- June 1998
- I broke the middle finger on my right hand. This is the first bone I've
ever broken. I intend for it to be my last!
- December 1999
- Despite a mild case of burn-out from Y2K preparations, I finally decide once again to update the web site!
- September 2000
- Make the big decision to leave State Industries and become
an independent contractor.
- Model Railroading

- I have always loved trains, both real and model. As a teenager I spent
several summers re-arranging HO track on a 4 by 8 foot piece of plywood. As an adult, I
helped my father-in-law build an N scale layout. Now that I finally have a house with a basement,
I can begin that dream layout I've always wanted. Well, that is, once I save up enough money to make the
basement habitable.
- Radio Control Cars
- I bought my first RC car back in 1986 (Tamiya HotShot).After a ten year absence
from the hobby, I decided to try on-road cars. My current car is an Associated RC10 Dual Sport.
Below is a vid-cap picture of car just before I completed it. Since this picture was taken, I've
added the rear spoiler and more decals. Between Y2K preperations and other distractions, I haven't done
much with the car in about a year. I'm hoping in Spring 2000 I can start spending more time with it.

- Star Trek
- I'm sure my interest in Star Trek will come as no surprise to anyone. I
am, after all, a computer professional and it seems the vast majority of us in this large
and diverse industry grew up on Star Trek. I am slowly collecting the original series on
videotape and I have all of the movies.

Me, Johnnie, Anthony, and Bill the night before Johnnie's wedding!
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Family Photos