What kind of Ragdolls?? Well Emma is a blue bi colour, Maya is a blue mitted and Jessica is a seal mitted. Our personalities - Boy do we have personality!! And we're all different, like night and day, and somewhere in the middle.
Never heard of a Ragdoll? Ummmm, well it's a new breed which was developed in California in the 1960's by Ann Baker. I happen to know of an excellent breeder who can tell you of the magic of this breed .. please visit Julia's Dreamdolls Oh forgot to tell you - (grin) I got the BEST Dreamdoll - Jessica aka The Yank Jessica :) but I'm sure they still have some wonderful ones to make your Dream come true. There is a Ragdoll bulletin board on the web where you can talk about your "bunnies".. I call them the bunnies because they their fur is as soft as bunny.. So, if you like meeting breeders and pet owners who share your interest and love of the Ragdoll Breed.. stop by for a visit at The Red Fox.Wait, please don't leave until you learn a little about us - welcome to our little space in cyberspace.. you will find out a bit about the ThreePurrs
and a bit about Wendy too!
Hi I'm Maya - I am the middle purr child, but I must tell you - I AM TOP CAT. If you don't believe me, then ask my friend Henry. Henry is a MAGNIFICAT I met on the net. He is one smart boy! You'll read about his really neat club at the bottom of my page (OK - our page).
I let Jessica think she is top cat because she's just a baby. But for the record and the world to know - I AM top cat!
I'm two and I'll be three on August 24th. I am BIG, BOLD and BEAUTIFUL - I love other cats, but I'm really really scared of humans!! Except Wendy - and her human family - well I don't like those boys much - they are LOUD! I used to kinda like Jeffrey, but he went away and now when he comes home for a visit I forget who he was. I arrived here on Jeffrey's birthday. Wendy told Jeffrey she'd get him his own cat for his birthday. Depending on what story your believe, I'm here either as a birthday present for the kid or a companion for Emma. Doesn't matter why I'm here - I'M HERE!! PURE JOY!! When Jeffrey was moving away to go to school he said he'd take me too. Can you believe Wendy told Jeffrey he couldn't take me?? The kid was complaining and saying it wasn't fair because I was a gift to him - I was his - Wendy explained that Yes I belong to Jeffrey, only if he lives here. The kid couldn't believe his ears Quote "Mum, Maya will live another 15-20 years - I'm not staying here another 15 years!! Anyway, I live with Wendy so you know who won. Thank heavens.
I came by plane all the way from Alberta. That was a scarey trip - all those humans looking at me. When Wendy picked me up I just stayed curled in a little ball wondering what was happening. After a short car ride we arrived home. When I first saw Emma I ran to her - and she just looked at me. But after a few minutes she seemed to like me. I followed her everywhere - sometimes I'd want to play and I'd grab her by the neck and give her a choke hold!! And you know that she'd do???? Cry to Wendy!! Emma's such a cry baby. Don't get me wrong, I love Em. But every time I want to play she cries. It's partly because of Emma's crying that we got this new baby. Wendy is such a soft touch. But I'm kinda glad she is because although Jessica is a little devil at times, we have so much fun!! You can't believe what this Jessica is like!! A BOMB!! I love Jessica - she's taught me the most wicked games.
I'm a bit worried about those FOUR cats hanging at the top of this page? I hope Wendy isn't going to do anything stupid - she has an addictive personality! And when she brought in Jessica she told John he could name her.... call her "Quits" is what John said!! But Wendy wouldn't go for that name, so somehow they called her Jessica. It's not a proper name for a purr child.
Do you think the four cats means we're getting another baby ... or what? I'm going to side with John this time - NO more babies.
Note from Wendy - Relax Maya & John, there is an Angel Puss on the bar too.
I am the baby - so what!!! Zeba's Angel - I'm no angel - I'm Jessica - the California girl! I just want to have fun. For all you felines reading this - here's a good trick. When your human puts her foot out of the bed and onto the floor - hide under the bed, spring quickly, grab the ankles and listen..Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh Jessica!! It's music to my ears.
I arrived in November 96 - I'm a Dreamdoll!! It's true - check my roots. I came to Canada all the way from San Diego, California. My birthday is August 11,1996 - don't forget that very important date.
I imagine this was a pretty boring place till I arrived. Maya told me they never played cause Emma's a cry baby - always crying to Wendy when either of us want to have a little fun. But it's not boring here anymore. Now the place is like a circus. Those silly girls were bored - I've shown them how to have fun. When Wendy turns her back - Maya & I sneak into the dining room and walk on the table - I showed Maya how to get up on the table. You know something - Emma and Maya don't know how to jump on the counter for a drink of fresh running water. Emma sits there and cries to be lifted. Yea, you think that's silly - well she gets her own way every time she cries. I'm beginning to think Emma isn't quite what she appears to be. Imagine a feline who doesn't know how to jump??? I've only been here a few months, but I've taught those girls some fun stuff! Well, that's not quite true, Emma showed me how to drink from the tap in the bathroom, but I just get on the counter when I want a drink. And that Wendy is such a soft touch - just give her a little sad face and cry a bit - she'll come running. She was amazingly easy to train.
It's true that John named me Jessica - but John denies it. His pet name for me is Scooter!! He can call me whatever he wants, he pays the bills!!!
Come to the Back Fence Cat Club to meet the MAGNIFICAT Henry!! His name is Henry Von Tudor. He is the smartest cat on the PLANET!! He has his own club, drives his own car, he's an artist - oh just visit Henry!! He's something else!! For a boy - Emma said that!
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