This Internet is a magical tool and is the strangest way to make friends.
I've been surfing the net for about a year and found some wonderful people. I truly believe this technology has the power to bring world peace.
He lives in Milton Keynes, England. Two years ago I surfed onto his Ragdoll Web Page and sent a greeting from Canada. That email started a wonderful friendship. His love for his cats is what attracted me initially. However, his honesty and wicked sense of humour are qualities I found in him. Ian is a gentle man. Actually I've adopted him - My sister Linda and I always wanted a brother - and if I could choose a brother it would be Ian.
Ian, I hope some day you will come to Canada and meet John, me and the bunnies. (Hugs)
I met Adeline because of our mutual interest in McGuire genealogy. Adeline lives in beautiful British Columbia. We are both searching for those elusive Ma/McGuire's. I knew from the first email I received from Adeline that we were kindred spirits. (Although we have yet to find a family connection, I just know we're cousins - Right Adeline!)
Lois lives in Arizona and is owned by the MAGNIFICAT Henry. This lady is so talented and creative it makes me green with envy. Lois was the inspiration behind doing my own web page. After reading her Web Page you will understand why I think she's the kind of person you'd want for a friend.
A treasure!! A real treasure. Bunga and I met through one of the many cat Web pages. She lives in Sunny California. When I first wrote to her she was delighted to hear from a Canadian, as she is a Canadian/American living in sunny California. She was born in Pembroke, Ontario, about 25 miles from where I spend my summers. Visit Bunga and her wonderful little cat Sasha. She is a truly remarkable lady who has lead an interesting life. (Bunga, I'm honoured to have you as my special friend)
Julia and Gary are Ragdoll breeders (Dreamdoll Cattery) living in California. They too came from England. Gary is an American but was raised in good old England. Meeting Julia and Gary was just an accident. I surfed onto their page one day, and my eyes fell on the BIGGEST Ragdoll I'd ever seen. I was so amazed at the size of this cat I picked up the telephone and called to congratulate them on having such beautiful felines. It was Divine intervention, fate or something! Although I had NO intentions on getting a third Ragdoll - it just happened! When I called they just happened to have a female who was ready for an adoptive home. I said "send" her without consulting my "better half" Although John was not delighted with my decision at the time, Jessica has become his shadow - she watches hockey with him (traitor). I was expecting them to send me a cat, but they sent an Angel. Anyone who believes in Angels know that they come in all forms, shapes and sizes. (A business deal (many thanks) has evolved into a friendship.
Alex lives in Nottingham England. Ian introduced me to Alex. Alex comes from a family of 16 children - and his love for his family is what I admire most. Although our views on most things differ greatly, I enjoy the challenge of the debate. Cheers Alex.
He is my hero!! Taylor is Adeline's son. He is the Wise and Wonderful Taylor who has tried to walk me through the haze of Web Page creation.. (Thanks cyber cuz)
Clorinda and I met through Julia's Dreamdolls - Clorinda has three cats- and is looking forward to getting her first Ragdoll. Our discussions about cats, kids, and life has grown into a terrific cyberspace friendship. She's a ray of sunshine!! Her Dreamdoll baby was born in February. (Come on girl, let's get a page up)
Just look at this beautiful bunny - it will put a smile on your face
Kath is my dear friend in New Zealand. We met through the Back Fence Cat Club. Kath lives with her 10 wonderful kitties, Scruffy the d*g and some birds too. We share a love of the Irish, genealogy and passion for cats!
Linda is my sister, the cat lover of all cat lovers!! Her license plate reads "LVCATS". Her email address is "CATLVR" She is owned by several cats and two d*gs. (Lin, I'm holding this spot for ya)