Kevin's Page

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Work In Progress

This page is a Work in Progress, please don't expect much. I am constantly trying to find new and improved Links, Images, etc. If you know of any good ones, let me know their URL's.

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My name is Kevin Margroff, I live in Newfoundland, New Jersey with my wife Kim and our three GREAT kids, Jeffrey, 16, Brandon, 12, and Donovan, 5. My wife and I are originally from New Jersey, I grew up, met Kim, and was married in the same town, Ringwood, which is right by the New York State border. It is a nice town, but we moved because I was offered a job in Peoria, IL. We lived there for almost 10 years, and then we returned to our real home, New Jersey.

I am currently working for the State of New Jersey, I really like my job, I love to golf, fish, and some day I'd like to go deer hunting. I have never gone, but my family and I love venison. I don't get to go fishing or to play golf often, but when I do, I think it is very relaxing. My wife says that it is good that I get that out of the two, since I'm not very good at golf, and it's not often that I actually catch any fish. I love playing around on the computer, I am just amazed with what this thing can do, and what you can find on the Internet.

Some of my "spare time" activities include spending time with the kids, working on the Family's website, teaching Kim how to write in HTML, so she can get her page to look the way she wants it. Of course, I think teaching her this is going to effect how much time I get to spend working on the computer, since she has now tried(successfully) to take over "the chair". I also volunteer on the Ringwood Ambulance Corps, where I am an EMT and 2nd Lieutenant.

I went to Bradley University. I graduated in 1989.


A list of some of my Favorite Websites.

I am one of the WORLD'S Biggest Pittsburgh Steelers Fans, so of course, here is my Steelers' Page

We will be adding pictures to our pages as soon as we are able. We will have some EXCELLENT pictures of our vacation in Arizona.

Coffee Pot Rock, Sedona, Arizona. Is this Gorgeous or what?

Alternate E-Mail address If you have any comments, suggestions, or anything at all to say, send E-Mail.

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