Sweetacre's Stitch by Stitch



Needlework in the News

Hooked on Caring by Derrick Henry, for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Ellie's Angels, Ellie Handsel's program to provide lap robes for hospice and AIDS patients, is featured in this online article.

New Knitting Trends Displayed by Dara Akiko Williams, Associated Press Writer. Yahoo News,  March 20, 1999.

Crafting Stats at the Hobby Industry Association web site.
The number of crocheters and knitters are growing!

  The Mitten Lady of Chisholm A wonderful article in the Duluth News-Tribune.
Rosie Marino who has made hundreds of pairs of mittens for charity.

  Monsanto's Richard Caron is featured in an article excerpt at Knitter's OnLine. Very interesting reading!

Needlework in Literature is a collection of passages about knitting and crocheting. C.S. Lewis and Jan Karon are the two entries here so far.

Mailing Lists/Discussion Groups

  Yahoo Groups is home to several knitting and crocheting lists. A search at the Onelist site will lead you to their discriptions along with the information on how to join.

Crochet Partners is a good place to discuss all aspects of crochet. Posts to the list are restricted to 100% crochet content; "chit-chat" is discouraged. The CP home page is a very good resource and you can sign up for the email list at this site.

 Crochet Musings and Crochet Network are two more crochet lists/homepages. They both offer many crochet resources. You can sign up for the mailing lists at their respective sites.



Crocheting and Knitting for Charity

My interest in crocheting for charity began several years ago. My first donations were made to Caps for Kids and I've contributed caps to this great organization every year since. There are many charity programs that would be happy to receive your crocheted or knitted donations. The links below are either direct to the specific charity organizations or to a list of charity links.

   I'm sure you will find a charity that you'd like to crochet or knit for

 Caps for Kids

 Project Linus

Warm Up America @ CYCA

Newborns in Need

 Wool Works Charity List

 Make a Difference Day


Knit and Crochet Organizations

 Crochet Guild of America

 Nashville Knitting & Crochet Guild

 Craft Yarn Council of America

 National Needlework Association


Online Suppliers
 Caron Products
 Lion Brand yarn
 Country Yarns
 Perfect Touch Yarns
 Coats and Clark
 R & M Yarns
 Solution Craft Yarns (Monsanto)
 Dyed in the Wool
 Spinrite Yarns
 Elann Fibre Company Yarns
Peaches & Creme
 Velona Needlecrafts
 Halcyon Yarns
 American School of Needlework
 In Stitches
 Carolina Country House
 The Afghan Gallery (TN Hooker)
 Crochet Trends
Other Resources
 Charm Woven Labels
 Hobby Lobby
 Crochet at the Mining Co.
 Illustrated Patchwork Crochet
 Herrschners Online Needlecraft Catalog
 Turn of the Century Hooks



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