Poetry, Dreams, Visions, Treasures

He went to the cross of His own accord.
He was wholely man and wholely Lord.
He cried to the Father at Gethsemane.
He prayed "Let this cup pass from me."
Three times He prayed while other men slept.
His sweat turned to blood as He prayed and wept.
He and the Father, it's true, they are one.
Yet, He obeyed when He said "Thy will be done."
Written May 1991. Copyright Cari White

Who will comfort the broken hearts that labor on in pain?
Who will mend the broken backs that labor on in vain?
Through this heart of flesh that is your instrument...
With this earthen vessel in which I make my tent.
Here am I, Lord, send me!
Written in 1994. Copyright Cari White

Oh My Father,
From the depth of my soul
you have made me to see,
that the trials I am living
are designed just for me.
Oh My Father,
From the depth of my soul
you have made me to know,
that the pressures you send
cause me to grow.
Oh My Father,
From the depth of my soul
please make me secure,
that you never will leave me
while you're making me pure.
Written in 1991. Copyright Cari White