Name: Beverly
Guest's Homepage:
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: You De"scribed" It To Me...(you told me to come)*har
Where My Guest Is From: Amarillo, Texas
Comments From My Guest: Cari..
This is a most gorgeous page! You have worked hard..and are learning LOADS of patience..*grin*
..but isn't it FUN!!!
Love ya lots and lots..

Name: prof-perfect
Guest's Homepage:Professor Perfect's Cozy Cottage
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: You De"scribed" It To Me...(you told me to come)*har
Where My Guest Is From:Stephenville,Texas
Comments From My Guest: I absolutely love your page!!! I plan to add a link to it from mine in the future (which means when ever I have time to work on my page). I only wish my own page was as full of the Lord as yours. Praise God for you. Many blessings to you and your beautiful family.

Name: Cathy
Guest's Homepage:
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: You De"scribed" It To Me...(you told me to come)*har
Where My Guest Is From:Greeley, CO
Comments From My Guest: Cari...Your page is way beautiful. God is Awesome in this place. Thanks for being a good friend. Love ya, Cathy

Name: Jen
Guest's Homepage:Jen's Homepage
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From: the golden state
Comments From My Guest:
i am speechless. your page goes above and beyond the standard in homepages. kudos!

Guest's Homepage:ayaforjesus' Home Page
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: Someone " Penned" Me A Note...(someone else told me!) *GOODY!*
Where My Guest Is From: Pennsylvania
Comments From My Guest:
Thanks for visitng my site! Yours is really neat.
You have quite a powerful testimony. God bless!

Guest's Homepage:The Christian Center
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: You De"scribed" It To Me...(you told me to come)*har*
Where My Guest Is From: Up the Block
Comments From My Guest:
If you would be so kind to add my site to your links of Christian sites. You stopped by and signed my guestbook, and I am now trying to return the favor. If you would like to have your page listed in my Christian Homepages Page, then let me know. So far I am the only listed there and I want to get as many as possible. I will only list you if you want to. Its URL is
Yours in Christ,

Name: Kathryn
How I Found Scribe's Homepage:Someone " Penned" Me A Note...(someone else told me!) *GOODY!*
Where My Guest Is From: Amarillo, TX
Comments From My Guest:
Cari, I visited your site again today. Your site
is so wonderful! What an awesome testimony! I
want you to know how much I admire you. God bless
you and your family!

Name: Cameron and Tammy
Guest's Homepage:Internet Evangelism Central
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From: Australia
Comments From My Guest:
we love your page! Jesus shines brightly through
your site Cari! Keep up the good work and God
bless your excellent efforts!

Name: Kathy
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From: Oregon
Comments From My Guest:
You probably hear this all the time, but I REALLY love your hp!! What a testimony. I recently wrote down my testimony and it really was a part of the healing process, don't you think? For some reason, just writing it out and seeing it was...I don't know the words...a release!! Keep up the good work. You are a beautiful lady! Not only that but you're talented too!! Tell Taylor I loved his music...DC Talk YES!!!!!
God will continue to bless you and your family!!
In His Love,

Name: Wanda
Guest's Homepage:Dove's Nest
How I Found Scribe's Homepage:blank
Where My Guest Is From:Okinawa, Japan
Comments From My Guest:
Cari, God has blessed you tremendously. What a beautiful family ya'll are. Thank you for visiting my hp. Was wondering where you found it from.... May God grant you a special touch from Him. Blessings and peace.

Name: Bob Rouse
Guest's Homepage:The Available Light
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: You De"scribed" It To Me...(you told me to come)*har*
Where My Guest Is From: north carolina. usa
Comments From My Guest:
Excellent webpage, I cried when I read your testimony, I thoroughly enjoyed your page, Keep up the good work for Jesus

Name: Heather Anne Davis
Guest's Homepage:Cafe On The Rock
How I Found Scribe's Homepage:I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From:Austin,Texas
Comments From My Guest:
I was so touched by your Lovely Web
page. I Praise Jesus for the time and
effort that went to the making of this
lovely page.
With your okay , I would like to put
up a link on my web page for your web
page.You ,of course, may do the same,
if you would so desire.I will wait for
your okay.Have a very Blessed evening
in Jesus!!!!!!
Bless You,

Name: Suzanne Brandenburg
Guest's Homepage:My home page.
How I Found Scribe's Homepage:I Just OPENED The Book!...(accidental)*HONEST!*
Where My Guest Is From:Jackson, Michigan
Comments From My Guest:
I want to thank you for sharing your testimony. I have strayed away from church, and jesus and my life is filled with one crisis after another and I know why but refused to listen...Tears came to my eyes as I was reading and just want to thank you. Thank You!!!

Name: Hillel Yehoshua
Guest's Homepage:The Tree of Life Network
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: You De"scribed" It To Me...(you told me to come)*har*
Where My Guest Is From: Medinat-Oregon, Ba'artzot ha-brit.
Comments From My Guest:
Thank you for your recent visit to the Tree of Life Network.

Name: Heather Anne Davis
Guest's Homepage:The Cafe On the Rock
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From: Austin Texas
Comments From My Guest:
Hey Cari,
I made it to geocities this time. Wow!
this is a big can get lost
just lookin at web pages.If I had
walked as much as I surfed in Geocities,
I would be good with my workout*grin*
Still Love your page.Love the title.
I know the Holy Spirit dwells in this
place.I feel the annointing all in
your web site. Praise the Lord.You are
awesome in this place.just want to
dance around in here:)
Well,I have stayed up way to late again.
Have a very Blessed day in Jesus.May
The Lord himself reward you for this
precious witness of his truely
awesome power to heal.
Bless You,

Name: Tracy Christopherson
Guest's Homepage: Tracy's Homepage
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: You De"scribed" It To Me...(you told me to come)*har*
Where My Guest Is From: Texas
Comments From My Guest:
Great Page and an inspiration. Keep up the good work.

Name: Teri
Guest's Homepage: The Body
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: Someone " Penned" Me A Note...(someone else told me!) *GOODY!*
Where My Guest Is From:Virginia
Comments From My Guest:
Thank you so much for your blessing of a page! I most appreciate your willingness to share your hurt in order to help others. Romans 8:28-29 is REALLY true and encouraging to see those who still believe it! You are a true servant ot the King!
May His name be praised!

Name: LouAnne
Guest's Homepage:Real Life Homepage
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: You De"scribed" It To Me...(you told me to come)*har*
Where My Guest Is From:
Comments From My Guest:
Thank you for telling me about it, and also for visiting my page. Would love to put a link on my page for this...everyone needs to know!! Blessings!

Name: Chris
Guest's Homepage:The Funny Farm
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: You De"scribed" It To Me...(you told me to come)*har*
Where My Guest Is From:
Comments From My Guest:
Hi Cari!
I wanted to stop by your page and say hi! Thank you for dropping by my site and signing the guestbook... I'm glad you enjoyed The Poopie List! I wanted to return the favor and visit your place! :)
I love your page! It is quite beautiful in sight and content. God bless you in your endeavor to tell others about His deep and abiding love for us, shown by the sacrifice of His dear Son!
Chris at The Funny Farm
PS: I run a Bcc email list called "Great Joke of the Day"...If anyone is
interested, just email me a subscription request!

Name: Deb
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From: LA
Comments From My Guest:
Excellent homepage!!! You have a wonderful testimony Cari!! Isn't it awesome the way that the Lord always had a plan for us. Even when we were dead in our transgrssions, made us alive together with Christ and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in heavenly place!!! \o/
Blessings to you and your beautiful family.

Name: Debbie Daly
Guest's Homepage:Christian Outreach Ministries
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From:USA
Comments From My Guest:
You have a very nice site. God bless you and your
lovely family.

Name: Ralph Dettwiler
Guest's Homepage:Behind the Badge
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From:Michigan
Comments From My Guest:
Great page. I am glad to find someone who is willing to speak the truth loudly. Come visit our pages too.

Name: Fred & Barbara Geary
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From:Medicine Lodge, Kansas
Comments From My Guest:
Thank Lord Jesus for Web sites like yours. You have enriched my day. I will visit again. Yours brother & sister in Christ Jesus

Name: Michael aka HighonLife
Guest's Homepage: Michael's Homepage
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From:Texas
Comments From My Guest:
:-) I really LOVE your page. I still have not finished reading it all

Name: John Conrod
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From:Denver, CO
Comments From My Guest:
I really enjoyed your Web site! Come and visit
me sometime.

Name: James Wright
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From:Riverside, CA
Comments From My Guest:
I really enjoyed looking at this web sight. God Bless everyone who put it together.

Name: Tisa
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From: Pensacola, FL
Comments From My Guest:
I love your page!!! It is so peaceful - the music is soothing and the graphics are AWESOME. I can really feel the presence of GOD in this place.
Keep up the COOL work!

Name: Jane Neike
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From: Leamington Spa - England
Comments From My Guest:
Certainly is AWESOME and a great Blessing, Gives me ideas for my own Web page!!

Name: Charlene
Guest's Homepage: Cfree777's Home Page
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: Someone " Penned" Me A Note...(someone else told me!) *GOODY!*
Where My Guest Is From:Texas
Comments From My Guest:
You have done an exceptional job. I really do like it. Keep up the good work. Please visit my page. How do you get the background music? Everyone tells me it's magic. :) Can I put a link from your page to mine?

Name: Lori L. Koch
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From: Palmdale California
Comments From My Guest:
Your story touched my heart, it is amazing that God never gives up on us, but sometimes we give up on him. I did a couple of times and each time I have turned back to him he has welcomed me with open arms. He is truly awesome. Lori

Name: ggg
Guest's Homepage: Gods Glorious Gift
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From: Florida
Comments From My Guest:
Nice and creative web site you have. Continue spreading the word of God!

Name: Leah Miller
Guest's Homepage: Priscilla & Aquila Ministries
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From:Tennessee
Comments From My Guest:
I enjoyed my visit to your page. You have done a wonderful job. Very glorifying to the Lord.

Name: Stephanie Camenisch
Guest's Homepage: The Camenisch Family Home
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Just OPENED The Book!...(accidental)*HONEST!*
Where My Guest Is From: Orlando,FL
Comments From My Guest:
Hello Cari. What a blessing your page is. I have come back again and again. I have also told all of my friends to look at it. You have inspired me to work more on my personal walk with our Precious Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for such a wonderful page. I know that the Lord is pleased.

Name: Cindy
Guest's Homepage:JabulaniCat's Home Page
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: Someone " Penned" Me A Note...(someone else told me!) *GOODY!*
Where My Guest Is From:Oklahoma currently, but Native Texan!!
Comments From My Guest:
Wonderful page! The presence of the Lord shines through every word and link. Thanks for shining for our Lord on the WWWeb --- we need LOTS more sites like this one! Hope my page will turn out to be as good as yours! Blessings to you and your precious family!

Name: Wendy Lester
Guest's Homepage:Welcome to Belles-place
How I Found Scribe's Homepage:I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From:Auckland New Zealand
Comments From My Guest:
Hi wonderful testimony God Bless your pages are inspiring :-)

Name: Beatriz
Guest's Homepage:Bea3
How I Found Scribe's Homepage:I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From:Texas
Comments From My Guest:
You have an excellent homepage! I read your wonderful testimony Cari! I enjoyed my visit
you have a beautiful family! God Bless, take care

Name: Shelia McGowan
How I Found Scribe's Homepage:I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From:Jackson, Mississippi
Comments From My Guest:
Cari....I just wanted to let you know that your page is simply beautiful, I have it bookmarked
and visit so often. I admire you so much! It is
very evident that God is in your life. I am a
growing Christian and thirst for everything that
I can learn about my Lord and Savior, your page
has helped me tremendously, I will continue to
visit. God Bless You!

Name: Carolyn Young
Guest's Homepage:Carolyn's Homepage
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From:Michigan
Comments From My Guest:
I was inspired by your testimony. Just look at God. He can do anything. I love him so, because he is God. He loved us so - He sent his Son to save us. I thank God for guiding me to your testimony.

Name: Linda A. Krueger
Guest's Homepage:Under The Shadow Of His Wing
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From:Jacksonville, FL
Comments From My Guest:
It is such a blessing to see your Hebraic Roots page. I'm a Jewish believer and it's wonderful to see the church looking to its Jewish roots. May God continue to bless you and your website!

Name: Jolene
Guest's Homepage:Lady-Bug's Homepage
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From:New York :o)
Comments From My Guest:
I really enjoyed your page. I love pages that are devoted heart and soul to God. Thanks!

Name: Peter Taekema
Guest's Homepage:THE TRAVELLER'S INN
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From:Western Australia
Comments From My Guest:
Great looking page. Love the graphics (that little butterfly) Keep up the good work. God bless you.

Name: ISA
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Comments From My Guest:

Name: Judi
Guest's Homepage:Judi's Homepage
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From:Texas
Comments From My Guest:
Your page is wonderful. You have put a lot of work into this and it shows. Keep it up and always shine for the Lord.

Name: Carrie Rivera
Guest's Homepage:The Good News Page
How I Found Scribe's Homepage: I Was "Scrolling" Thru The Pages...(surfin')*YEH!*
Where My Guest Is From:Puerto Rico (Wisconsin originally)
Comments From My Guest:
I enjoyed my visit here. May God bless you. Please visit The Good News Page.
44 entries