I have come to believe that God is moving His church back to the pure worship that He intended from the begining of creation. Part of this move entails learning about our Jewish roots and part requires simply finding out what the Word says about how we should worship. The Holy Spirit has revealed to me that much of our Christian tradition stems from paganism. We have left the pureness of the Biblical feasts and have walked in darkness for centuries. He has been merciful because of our ignorance but, I dont want to continue to worship Him in error...I want to learn as much as I can about my heritage so I can be the Bride who prepares herself for Yeshua's return. I believe that the generation that sees, not only a return of the Jews to Israel, but a worldwide move toward pure worship, as well as fulfillment of Revelation prophecy, will be the generation to see His return. We ARE that generation!

Scattered by God's avenging hand,
Afflicted and forlorn
Sad wanderers from their pleasant Land,
Do Judah's children mourn;
And e'en in Christian countries, few
Breathe thoughts of pity for the Jew.
Yet listen, Gentile, do you love
The Bible's precious page?
Then let your heart with kindness move
To Israel's heritage;
Who traced those lines of love for you?
Each sacred writer was a Jew.
And then as years and ages passed,
And nations rose and fell,
Though clouds and darkness oft were cast
O'er captive Israel
The oracles of God for you
Were kept in safety by the Jew.
And when the great Redeemer came
For guilty man to bleed,
He did not take an angel's name;
No, born of Abraham's seed,
Jesus, who gave His life for you--
The gentle Saviour -- was a Jew.
And though His own received Him not,
And turned in pride away,
Whence is the Gentile's happier lot?
Are you more just than they?
No! God in pity turned to you --
Have you no pity for the Jew?
Go, then, and bend your knee to pray
For Israel's ancient race;
Ask the dear Saviour every day
To call them by His grace.
Go, for a debt of love is due
From Christian Gentiles to the Jew.

MIDI is "When Messiah Is Revealed" by Steve Israel

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