If you have a book/books that you are willing to help others by
looking up information for them, please e-mail Linda Sorrell.
Please be sure to include the book(s),volumes, and your name and your e-mail address.
LINDA SORRELL is willing to do look-ups in Surry Co.,NC Will Abstracts Volumes 5(1853-1868) and 6 (1867-1901). Also in Will Books 1,2, and 3.
Pamela Odom is willing to do look-ups in her notebook on the
Longino family.
Paul B.Burris Jul 30
I have a genealogy research book about the colonial period BURRIS family, written by John Burris, Woodlake, California, and dated 1993. I would be willing to field questions from anyone concerning Burris, Burrows, Burress, Burrus, etc., families from Surry County, and much on Virginia Counties. The information contains land records, wills, and a few tax records between
the dates of 1608 and 1808. It also contains family tree charts for Burris,etc., from the 1600's to late 1800's. If you want to utilize me as a lookup volunteer for this Burris Family Book, interested persons can contact me above.
Rodney HootsNov 4
I am willing to do look-ups in the book "Descendants of Jacob
Hoots," written by Carl Hoots of Yadkinville, North Carolina.
North Carolina Court Minutes
Gwenn Shepherd HorneApril 12
I am willing to do look ups in the the book, Surry County, North Carolina Court Minutes Volumes 1 & 11 1768-1789. I would be more than happy to volunteer information if anyone interested.
Robin Butler Daviet
I have the book "The Heritage of Surry County North Carolina Volume I - 1983". The Editor was Hester Barlett Jackson. It was published by the Surry County Genealogical Association. I would be pleased to look up for you.
Marriages and Wills
Cindy GoadSept 17
I would be happy to lookups in Surry County NC Marriages 1869-1899 and Surry County NC Wills 1771-1853.
Surry County Historical Books
Artelia SextonFeb 13
I have the Surry Co Historical Books. I will gladly try to help anyone find relatives in them. Just E-mail me.

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