*yawn* You've chosen the boring side of my family. Almost too boring to write about...but since you've gone to all the trouble of
following this link, I will undertake the tedious task. ;-)
This side is 100% Jewish, yet not practicing "the faith". They are mostly atheists. I've never gone to this family's reunions. I don't know
anyone outside the meager members presented here. I don't even like the food they eat. I find matzoh ball soup repulsive and lox (fish)
disgusting. I guess the Jewish half I inherited didn't include their tasetbuds. :-) These are the family members you love, but don't really
like as people. Like Christian comedian Mark Lowry says, "You'll cry at their funeral, but you're not going to go on vacation with them...."
Here's all I know.
My Grandmother~Merle~ Born in Philadelphia in 1925, the daughter of Jewish immigrants from Russia. She bowled
professionally on a tour for several years after she married my grandfather,
Solomon in 1950. He was also the child of Russian Jews.
He passed away in 1984 from lung problems. I do not remember him at all, although I do remember being upset as a 4 year old when I was
not permitted to attend the funeral. My grandmother now lives in a condominium on the beach in one of these pretentious islands filled with older Jewish people (Can we all say "attitude"?). They had only two children.
Their First Child~My Aunt~Doreen married her husband Carl in 1982. Their's is the only wedding in which I have
been a bridal party member. *hoping this will change with Gregory and Jen's marriage, seeing as how she IS his goddaughter* I was a very adorable flower girl, if I do say so myself.
They have two sons. Steven, 10, and Michael, 7. Carl works developing collision avoidance computer
software for the FAA.
Their Second Child~My Dad~ Weeelll, I already did this paragraph in my Mom's Side. So, um, yeah. This is where I fit in to this family.
Pretty small compared to the other one, huh? Yeah, well, that's it. Nothing much to them....