Hi! Welcome to my page! I've inhabited this little corner of the web for the last several years. Feel free to kick off your shoes and make yourself comfortable ~ unless of course you're one of those people who surfs the web naked, in which case, you're already comfortable.

This page has been viewed (they took away my counter!!! those bastards!!!) times since 2/25/97 by naked people just like you!


Click for Atlantic City, New Jersey Forecast Oh, my favorite subject! I'm so glad you asked. :-) I first set up this homepage when I was 17, so the "About Me" section has had many incarnations. The very first thing I feel the need to tell you is my age. I turned 23 on February 15th, 2003. Happy birthday to meeeee! I live in New Jersey, the Garden State. As I look out my window I see...nothing, it's dark out and we live in the woods. Don't you wish you were here?

I have a mom and a dad (two essential things in the creation of meeeee). My parents are no longer together, but I believe that they are both better off now. I still live with my father, in order to remain close to work and school. My mother and my younger little sister live in a suburb of Philadelphia. My mother is currently attending a certain university there, where she will eventually receive her PhD in Sociology. I am 1/2 Jewish, 1/8 Irish, 1/8 Austrian, 1/8 Transylvanian (Hungarian), 1/16 Scottish, and 1/16 Pennsylvanian Dutch (German). To learn more about my extended family (the people I actually know anyway...) click here: and

I graduated from high school in 1995. I was homeschooled from 6th~12th grades, after having attended both public and private schools. Being homeschooled allowed me to excell and exlore my interests while working at my own pace. Because of my background as a homeschooler, I feel as though I can comfortably walk into nearly any setting and find some common ground with those present ~ no matter the age range or social context. I also feel as though I'm less affected by "peer pressure" or what strangers think of me (although, perhaps it is a prejudicial assumption on my part to believe that the average "normally" schooled adolescent remains more or less concerned with the opinions of their peers throughout their young adulthood). I loved every minute of it and I am PROUD to say I was homeschooled! I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, on May 10, 2002. I am currently enrolled in the Master of Arts in Holocaust & Genocide Studies program at Stockton. I love school ~ which is good, since I will probably be in school for a very long time! After graduating with my Masters, I plan on enrolling in a PhD program at an institute of higher learning somewhere along the East Coast (hopefully). My ultimate goal is to become a university professor in the field of Holocaust & Genocide Studies.

My bestest friend in New Jersey is Aschley. She's been the best friend anyone could ask for. She's also one of my friends that I've known the longest. I've known her since she was 6 and I was 8. We do everything together and have an awesome time just doing nothing (which is what we seem to do the most because New Jersey sucks). I'd do anything for her in a heartbeat. Here's a picture of Aschley and I together in 1999. I'm on the left in white, Aschley's on the right in blue.

I work for a retail store called The Home Depot. We sell home improvement materials, from lumber and paving stones, to jaccuzi tubs and light bulbs. I've worked at my store since March of 1998. In August of 1999 I was promoted to the position of Head Cashier, which means that I supervised all the cashiers, Refunds associates, and Lot Attendants. Although I loved it, that position was the reason I didn't get a 4.0 for the Fall '99 semester. In April of 2000 I transfered to Bookkeeping (a.k.a. the Vault or Cash Office). Now I count money in my sleep. :) I still work in Bookkeeping, and will probably be there until I get a REAL job.

My hobbies are pretty lame, I admit. I enjoy playing pool, however I totally suck at it. Maybe if I practiced....Hmmmm....Aside from that, I enjoy: yoga (Stop laughing! It's very CALMING!!!), going to the movies, going out to dinner with loved ones, and going to see plays/musicals (although I don't get to do that all that often). I enjoy museums of any sort. I love photography. I enjoy taking pictures myself (no, not OF myself!) and viewing others' work. I absolutely LOVE to travel and I have an obsession with collecting globe figurines ~ I guess I like feeling as though I have the whole world in my hands. ;) One day I would like to have traveled throughout the world. As for right now, I've been to Germany (March 2000), Poland (May 2001), Italy (June 2001), and Antigua (February 2003). You can find some selected pictures from my travels in my . The top five places I would most like to visit are: New Zealand, Austrailia, Ireland, Austria, and anywhere in Africa.

The most definitive thing about who I am as a person is my absolute love and adoration for Ani DiFranco. She's my personal "folksinging" goddess. She's the type of person I wish I had the guts to be. She totally puts herself on the line in the name of her art. She's such a talented lyricist and musician. She's the perfect woman! :) She totally embodies my feminist, political, and sexual concepts of society. She's not for the faint of heart. I think what I like the most about her is that she's so outside of the mainstream and that she is able to put words to ideas that I haven't even formulated for myself yet. She's just amazing, a little bit "out there," and if you've never heard of her, you're totally missing out! She's the single most brilliant individual ~ still living ~ that I've come across. People who have heard Ani and don't worship her are an utter mystery to me.

My College Graduation Picture

My High School Graduation Picture

"You are digging for the answers * Until your fingers bleed * To satisfy the hunger * To satiate the need * They feed you on the guilt * To keep you humble keep you low * Some man and myth they made up * A thousand years ago..." --"Silent Legacy"~Melissa Etheridge



Yeah, I know you are all dying to read this! For those of you pathetic persons who care, I have three cats (we also had a fourth,
Cathy, who was catnapped and now lives with my mother and sister in Philadelphia). One is a gray tiger, named Jesse. He was originally named after a favorite preacher when we first got him, but now I like to say that he was named after Jesse James (a guy who makes custom motorcycles and appears on a show called "Monster Garage" on the Discovery channel). My other cat, Sweetie Pie, is all black. She was a stray who wandered onto our porch and into our hearts. She decided she didn't want to leave...we had no choice but to take her in! :-) Our third cat is actually my father's. Her name is Deja. When she first came to live with us, she once bit me so badly that I had to go the hospital for medical attention. I don't care for Deja too much anymore....


"There's something more to talk about * Than how to sleep and fill your mouth * It's suicide to run your life by I * It's suicide to be a light for no one * There is hunger there is violence * People butchered for their beliefs * Someone else's tears don't move you * Your silence is slow suicide..." --"Slow Suicide"~Shaded Red


"Modern scribes write in Jesus Christ every one is free * And the doors open wide to all straight men and women * But they are not open to me *** Whatever has happened to anyone else * Could happen to you and me * And the end of my youth was the possible truth * That it all happens randomly..." --"Philosophy of Loss"~Indigo Girls


"Through our scientific genius, we have made of the world a neighborhood; now through our moral and spirital genius we must make of it a brotherhood."--Martin Luther King


Please feel free to e~mail me rscdaze@yahoo.com
