Below you will find a list of my Craft Fairs. I guess we lived through the Y2K scare as we have entered the 21st century. If there is something you are looking for, please email me (Hey: Note to self. Is it Email? or email?) at or
feel free to call me at [(603) 679-2008]. If you would like to email me with your name and address, I will send you a hard copy of my schedule for the future Craft Fair seasons when I have them completed. Finally, if you come to one of the Craft Fairs that I am involved in to see my books, please let me know that you saw my Web Page and came to check out my wares!
I am paring down the number of Craft Fairs I am doing since I have discovered Quilting!!!! and how much time I can spend shopping for fabric, only to cut it up into little squares, only to sew it back together and make something to keep myself warm and content. Although I am still producing books and Arks, I am also going to try my hand in making some small quilted projects for the 2003 season. Come on by and give me your opinions!!
Thank you for your continued support...
Janome (New Home) Home Page
Nancy's Notions Home Page
Sew City
The Wallace and Gromit Home Page
New England Aquarium
Jelly Belly Home Page (tastes good!)
Ben and Jerry's Home Page (Eat quickly before it melts!)
Stonyfield Yogurt - All the "Moos" that's fit to print
The Logical Choice - My Husbands' Personal Company
AimNet Solutions - My Husbands' Employer
Bonaire - Our Favorite Vacation Spot
Welcome to the Quilting Forum at (One of my favorite Quilting Forums)
Please see my eBay Listings - Search for Seller INTEGRITYX10
Thanks for visiting. I appreciate your curiousity.......
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