Candi's Corner

I love Beanie Babies

Hello. My name is Candi. I am 16 years old and am in the 11th grade.

I collect a variety of things. I collect Beanie Babies, Calico Kittens, and Mary Moo Moo's.

My favorite sport is snow-skiing, which is kind of strange because I live in the Ozark Mtns. and we don't get a lot of snow. Every Thanksgiving my family and I go to Colorado and I go skiing. So, if anyone plans on going to Colorado around next Thanksgiving give me a buzz. I also love golfing and swimming.

Links to other sites on the Web

Dad's Home Page
Mom's Genealogy (lots and lots of family tree stuff!)
My Beanie Baby Page (way behind but catching up)

Thanks for visiting. Please bookmark my page and come back soon.

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