Hi , let me introduce myself I'm Vincent , Vinnie to my family, friends and to children who like to share their toys. I'm a Jack Russell Terrier and I'm adored by all who make my acquaintance. Do I sound like an egotist ? Well, I can't help it , it's true. I want to welcome you to my HomePage , Vincent's Villa. It was made at my command by my Mom, provider of kibble , treats , toys and most of all LOVE. I've got a great family. There's Mom , my two girls ages unknown ( you know how women are about their ages hehe)and my extended family. My Mom's Mom, her two sisters, her nephew and her grand nephew. He's a little hooman but he's getting bigger everyday.When first met him he was only four and now he's six and he goes to school. I think I know why they call him grand though, 'cause he's got great toys and he loves to share them with me. But then everyone likes to share with me with the possible exception of my adorable baby sister Nikita, she likes to be called La Jacque Nikita, sheesh
Let me tell you about my favorite things:
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