It takes a special hooman to deserve being owned by a Jack Russell Terrier. I'm
lucky my big brother Vinnie had trained our Mommie really well before I came here.
I'm what they call a rescue dog. What that means is my first owners sort of left
me and my fuzzy Mommie and my litter mates. Then some very nice people saved us from
the pound and after a little while I ended up with a new family that loves me and spoils
me rotten. I had a foster family back in Virginia, that's where I was born, and they
were really nice to me and helped me find Mommie, Vinnie and the rest of my family.
Let me tell you a little more about my family. There's Mommie, she's a teacher and loves
kids almost as much as she loves JRT's. You can believe me when I say Mommie LOVES
JRT's. Then there are Our Girls , they use to belong to just Vinnie and Mommie, now they
belong to me too. They're both really nice even though one of them has a **shudder**
cat as a pet. I worry about her since everyone knows the best possible companion you can
have is a Jack. I think I understand though, she wants a pet and everyone knows we Jacks are
just too smart to be anyone's pet. As I said we have two girls let me tell you
about the girl that Vinnie grrrrs at me for calling mine. She's really special, she knows
how to love and be loved by a JRT. She bathes us, gets down on the floor and plays with us.
She got us the neatest balls as presents for Christmas. Like I said I have a family that
any dog or even a cat would love to have.
The things I like to do more than anything else are RUN and Jump and I do both all the time and I'll do them any place. I wish you could have seen Mommie's face when I jumped over the baby gate she put up between the living room and the kitchen. Another thing I like to do is wrestle with my big brother Vinnie. He's really good at it and says he's going to train me so well I could take a gold at the Olympics. Most of all I love snuggling with Mommie and Vinnie in the big bed. I finally learned exactly what "you go outside" means and I get to sleep in the big bed just like my big brother Vinnie. Now Mommie wants us both to learn that bedtime means bedtime not play time. Vinnie and I like to play "catch me if you can" before we go to sleep but Mommie just wants to sleep. Sometimes she can be such a party pooper.There's one more thing I love surfing the web. Mommie holds me on her lap and lets me look at the screen while she surfs. I just wish she'd let ME type on the keyboard. Oh I almost forgot I L-O-V-E to Buster cube. A Buster cube is a toy you put treats inside of and then roll on the floor. If you roll it just right the treats spill out and Mommie let's you eat them, even if you've just eaten
I have discovered another thing that I love and I mean REALLY LOVE, besides my sweetie Pirate naturally, it's LURE COURSING. You get to chase this white thingie on a string. It goes really fast and you have to chase it over hurdles and thru hay bales and it's realy really fun. Sometimes when you do lure coursing you get to win ribbons to eat. Usually Mommee just lets me and Vinnie run the course for fun. One day though I want to run for a ribbon to eat. I think I'm fast enough to win a ribbon. To be honest I think my brother Vinnie's fast enough to win a ribbon too. We did lure coursing at the 2000 Georgia Jack Russell Terrier Club Fall Spectacular II and he ran the course in 18.sumpin or other seconds, now that my friends is fast! Vinnie ran for fun but Mommee decided to let me run for a ribbon and guess what????? I won a ribbon, I had the third fastest time of all the jacks my size that ran the course. Mommee says that she's going to take a picture of me with my ribbon and put it on my webpage. All of my family is soooo proud of me including Vinnie. I kinda thought he'd be jealous so I offered to share my ribbon with him. You know what? He said "No way Sis, you ran as fast as the wind so enjoy your ribbon, I'm proud of you". I'm one lucky little jackette to have a brother like him. The he said, "Next time we're going to come in first and second so be prepared to eat my dust because I ain't coming in second!" That's my brother, short and to the point.
You won't believe what my Mommie did. She said I was too much, I always thought being too much was a good thing until she started introducing me as her Wild Child. Personally I didn't think that was very nice but, I decided to just live with it. Well, she decided she couldn't live with it so she put me in Obedience School. Can you believe it ME in Obedience School. Me either! At first I didn't like it very much but all of a sudden it got to be fun, except for that down thing. I had a great teacher named O'Neal Hendrix and she taught me how a proper little jackette is suppose to behave, at least in public that is. Here's a picture of me at graduation after I became an official Angel Dog.
Not my best photo but I graduated and that's what's important.
Here are a couple of pictures I thought I would share with you, it's just good manners to share. They were taken after my birthday party. The party was a small family gathering, no paparazzi allowed.
I can't believe she still makes us wear these things. They're for babies and I'm a big girl now. After all I'm three years old (twenty one in human years), if I was human I could vote !
One thing about Mommie she knows how to throw a party and she never forgets the goodies. Man oh man was my birthday cake tasty. You have to excuse my manners but I er.... misplaced my napkin.
Well that's just about it, Mommie says she's going to keep working on this site so I'm hoping Jacks and their people will come and visit a lot.
My Sweetie Pirate and the Longcreek Jacks
Mommie FINALLY got me a guest book so PLEASE sign and let me know what you think of me and my page.
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