I'm sure you're wondering why I would have a photo of a flying pig on a page about my job so let me explain.
Picture this if you will a few years ago after the annual announcement of who had been elected Teacher of the Year one of my students asked me with a very serious expression on his face
"When are you going to be Teacher of the Year"? Well, rather than go into a long description of all the qualities a teacher must possess to win this honor and the requirements set down by the organization that sponsors the Teacher of the Year I simply replied
with as straight a face as I could manage "When pigs fly". It got a big laugh from him and all my other students so I decided that would be my standard answer when that particular question came up. So each year since then when the announcement had been made and the question came up as it inevitably does I would simply say "When pigs fly" .
When the announcement was made during the 1997-1998 school year however, I had to warn my students to beware of flying pork chops. Just like you, I had quite incorrectly assumed that there were no flying pigs but they must be up there. Still not sure, well trust me they're there. You ask "How do you know that they truly exist"? I was selected as my school's Teacher of the Year for 1998 - 1999 so they have to be there. RIGHT ? Hey like they say a pictures worth a thousand words. Right?
Want to see how nice I looked enjoying the Teacher of the Year Banquet with my daughters? We had a great time. Between you and me by the time it was over, and I'm sure I speak for every Teacher of the Year that attended MY FEET WERE KILLING ME!!! and I didn't even care. Check out me and my girls at the banquet. Talk about working it.
As an educator I feel part of my job is to help my students realize their dreams. My motto is