Teaching, It's not just a Job...

It's an Adventure

As I told you before I'm a teacher. I work with ten and eleven year olds. I know you must be thinking "Is she crazy ?" Well, maybe just a little. I love what I do and the place where I work. I am fortunate enough to be working in a school with a FANTASTIC administrator and a DEDICATED faculty and staff. What are we dedicated to ? Giving the children we serve the best education they can get. I think of it as giving them dreams and the tools to make those dreams come true. I am very involved with our Career Enrichment Program. We are responsible for inviting individuals from various professions to come in and discuss their jobs with our Fifth graders . The speakers we've had this year have discussed such varied areas as Architecture and Horticulture.

Here I am with a former student at graduation. I can't tell which one of us is happier, can you?

Well as they say all good things must come to an end sooner or later and I suppose I should be glad it was later. After spending over a decade in the same school. I've changed schools two times in two years. Whew, my head should stop spinning by 2002, right around the time I finish unpacking all of the boxes of materials I've collected since 1985.

I wanted to share some photos I took while participating in a professional development class during the summer (2000). It was designed to help make teaching the events involved in the Civil Rights Movement more exciting for both the students and instructor. We, a group of about 30 teachers, traveled to historic sites along the Civil Rights Trail. The bus was comfortable, the driver was really friendly but, four states in three days is still a lot for the old system to take. I enjoyed it thoroughly but I felt like I could have slept for a week when we got back home.

These photos were taken in Alabama. The first two were taken the first day of the trip in Montgomery at the Southern Poverty Law Center. The third was taken the last day of the trip, in Birmingham at a park located across the street from the Civil Rights Museum.

Southern Poverty Law Center


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Beware Flying Pork Chops at 12:00

If you want to touch the future .... Be a Teacher
Remember "Reading is FUNdamental"

I would love to hear from other teachers tiab@bellsouth.net

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