We Live There 2!

Someone's got to take care of the pets . . .

Jim and I met at a bar, but it's not as sleazy as it sounds!

Jim is a bartender at a restaurant located where I used to change buses late at night in my commute home. I had a long wait, so I'd stop in for a coffee to keep warm (it was one of the coldest winters Ottawa's seen in a long time - 1993/94). We got to talking, and eventually I decided I'd ask him out.

I went in one night, planning on having wings and a beer, and waiting till the right moment to suggest a date. About 5 hours later, I was still there and hadn't worked up the courage to do it, but he asked me instead!

I like to think it was fate . . . that my car broke down that Christmas so I had to take the bus for the first time in years . . . that I had to transfer buses at that particular spot . . . that Jim worked some of the same nights that I did . . . yup, that's fate!

Our first date was St. Patrick's Day, 1994. We moved in together in the fall of the same year, and have lived common-law ever since. We consider St. Patty's Day to be our anniversary and always go back to "Big Daddy's Crab Shack & Oyster Bar" to celebrate!

This pic was taken at "Alice Fazooli's" restaurant in Toronto the first year we went up for the Molson Indy. We've been to "Alice's" and the Indy every year since!

Jim's a big fan of both Indy and F1 racing. Me, I'm in it for the fun of the event. It's always a party! We've also been to the Montreal Grand Prix.

Close up!

When we retire, we want to rent a camper trailer and follow the whole Indy circuit one year. I think that would be a great way to see the continent! We haven't had much opportunity to travel yet, but we've done enough wishful thinking and are actually starting to plan trips with our first big one (projected date being Feb/March '99) being Costa Rica. We're reading up on it now, and it sounds fabulous.

Jim is one of my favourite photo subjects. It's a good thing he's not camera shy!

Of course he thinks we've got WAY too many shots of him, but I just tell him that we have more of the dog, and she hasn't been around as long!

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Here's My Family Album including the cottage

and then there's Jim's Side

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best Art Photos too.

Check out Jake's Place

the Cat's Cupboard!

or Our Aviary

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