Cat's Cupboard

It's never bare!

The whole gang moved into the linen cupboard before we had a chance to fill it, so we decided to turn it over to them. Eggy (The grey and white beauty) has since passed on, and we now have two little orange guys instead. You'll see them below.

Heeeeere's Lucy. It's actually Lucifer, but he's such a scaredy-cat that we rarely use his formal name. The diminutive seems to suit him better. You guys are going to think we have a real gender problem at our house - A female dog named Jake, a male cat we call Lucy, and our lovebirds are Diva and Larry Bird, but Larry just laid a clutch of eggs a few weeks ago! (3 have hatched so far!) Never a dull moment around our house. We're not sure why Lucy is so shy. He's the biggest of all our cats (Our "big tub o' goo"), but if the dog tries to play with him, he runs away to hide, mewling, behind Magic, our littlest cat and only female at the moment. Although not his mother, she quickly picks up the cudgels in his defence - she goes at Jake with arched back and full fury!

These are the new kids on the block. Tabasco is on the right and Bo on the left. We only intended to get one to replace (but never in our hearts) Eggy when he died. Jim didn't want to split up these brothers,and it's a good thing he suggested we get both because we each would have chosen a different kitten - Tabasco's my lap-cat-in-training, and Bo's a real "wildthing" and Jim's favourite as well as Jake's. Bo lets Jake get away with alot more rough stuff than does Tabasco!

P.S. The tub is not dirty - it's an old house, an old tub, and most of the enamel is gone, so that it's badly rust stained.

" Tub's a Crowd"

These two (the "evil twins"!) are always in trouble, and if Jake has her way, she's right in the middle of it! How can you get angry? Most of the time we find it hilarious. If they're destroying one of my plants, though, that's another story! Tabasco is fascinated by the lovebirds, and although I've caught him here on film "fishing", it's usually Bo who's interested in the tank. We've discovered him on top of the aquarium dipping his paws in where they don't belong.

The back of the couch is a popular place
. . . a comfy perch with a great view!

At the other end of the scale,
we have Dandy (left) and Magic at 15 years old.

If possible, I think they're even sweeter-looking
than the kittens!

Check out Jake's Place

or We Live there 2!

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