
Rokn El Zekrayat!

This was the first contest presented in the WWF from Naguib...

.....a little Mission Impossible! huh?

The persons in this picture are:

- Sitting L to R : Soleiman Chaker, teta Rose, gueddo Nicolas, Eugene (Soliman Chaker is teta Rose's father...that was a tricky one!)
- Standing L to R : Jean, Edmond, Hend, Yvonne, Fouad
- The 2 kids are : Hoda, Maurice
- Date picture was taken : February 8th 1939. Amazing isn't it that Soeur Yvonne could tell us the exact day! Well, there was a special occasion: it was the last day for Soeur Hanady before enterring the convent.
I received 11 replies from you, which is great...thanks guys. Replies follow below; in short they are:
** Joujou : the very honnest idea!
** Tony : the very logical answer
** Aurore : the soooo cute correct answer
** Nelly : the eagle's eye answer...yes they are Tannous
** Christine : the most lunatic answer!! who did you say have a lot of money?
** Tim : the "back to the future" answer...(1969 ya Timmy ?)
** Waguih : what a guy...100% (he cheated...I told him...but he could have guessed most of it)
** Youyou : the "company man" answer...employees not elligible!
** Dalal : the democratic work
** Medhat : another whiz...well, except for Petro...Petro!??, missed him by 100 kilos!
** Alain : the most complete, explicit, clear answer...3 words !!

Who do you think the winner is ? I suggest that all those who replied deserve a mention. How about it Khaled, or you Waguih (the rising star of Internet sites composers), if you designed a certificate of achievement for these fellows right in the "contest page".
Hope you had fun as much as we did here. Following, your answers. Love to all.
Naguib ********************************************************************************
Dear Naguib:
This is a priceless picture. I have no idea who anybody is, however, I would love to get a hard copy. If it is not too much trouble, can you send me one. Of course you have to tell me who these people are !! I really admire what you guys are doing, it is really fantastic. I wish it was not tax season, I would have certainly gotten more involved. In two months I should have more time. Love to your family.
Joujou. ********************************************************************************
Hi Naguib,
In spite the fact that I am not very familiar with all the Tannous family member, but I kind of guessed it. As you are the supplier of this picture, I can tell that your father should have given it to you. So the seated four are your grandpa, your grandma, one of your uncles ( I guess Eugene) and I do not know who is the fourth person (first one from the left) The three girls must be: Soeur Yvonne, Soeur Hend and your aunt Hoda (Georgette). And the young boy should be Maurice. Giving it another guess, it should be around the late 30's. I would like also to tell you that you did a great job with the Family tree.It is very well done.
Did you guess who I am? Ok this is another contest for you. ---------------------
Hi Naguib YES this is TONY .
What about the contest did we win or not.
Best regards Tony, Therese ********************************************************************************
Dear Giba,
It is sooooo cute .
From L to R ?,Teta Rose,Gedo Nicholas,Daddy Jean,Edmond,Hend,Yvonne,Fouad Hoda,Maurice ~1933.
Hope to win a trip to Egypt !!!Love.
Aurore ********************************************************************************
Hello ya Naguib,
The truth is that everyone in the picture looks like a TANNOUS. I can assure you that much although I have met quite a few people of the older part of the family... I cant' tell who they are.... Give hugs and kisses to Mervet and the Kids. Love
Nelly ********************************************************************************
Dear Naguib,
Here are my guesses...
The four people sitting are your great great great grandparents!! The 5 young ones are direct decendants of queen Mary I. Therefore they probably have a lot of money in the family. So, get to know them if you want to get rich!!!
The two kids are my long lost brother and sister.
This picture was probably taken 1400 BC...
Am I close with my guesses??? please, tameni... ;
Just in case you were wondering, I am totally clueless! More so than Alicia Silverstone...HAHA
Christine Chaoui ********************************************************************************
I tried to write you before from the webpage, but it wouldn't send. Well, I don't know who any of those people are, but my guestimate for what year it was taken is 1969
Tim ********************************************************************************
ya Naguib ya habibi,
... Ok. Les personnes assises de gauche a droite: Chaker Soleiman, Rose Chaker Soleiman, Nicolas Tannous (the 'old') et Eugene Tannous. Debout: Jean, Edmond, Hend, Yvonne et Fouad. Les enfants: Hoda et Maurice. La photo a ete prise il y a 55 a 60 ans. By the way est mon cousin Tony au Maryland.
Waguih. ********************************************************************************
Hi Guibaz,
I don't think it would be fair for me to enter the contest; as "I grew up" with this picture. To me, it sounds like we should've said: employees and relatives of the blah, blah, blah, can't enter the contest ... All here is OK. Hope you're OK too. Please say hi to all.
Youyou ********************************************************************************
Hello Naguib,
I am sorry it took me so long to get back to you, but we've been out of town...Anyway, the boys and I looked at the contest and they were just absolutely thrilled with the home page. They helped me guess who the people are. Andrew seemed to remember Teta Rose from pictures he's seen in Lebanon. It was cute trying to guess the others with my sons.
Anyway, here are our guesses:
- The 5 standing are (From left to right): My Dad!!! Edmond Hind Yvonne Fouad
- The 4 sitting are (Again from left to right): No clue!!!(Bummer) Teta Rose Jeddo Nicola Eugene
- the 2 kids are: Hoda and Maurice
We guessed the picture was taken around 1936.
I hope we're close. It would be pretty humiliating to be wrong!!! Hope all is well with you. Regards to Mervat and the kids. Your pictures from Egypt looked wonderful. Everyone looked like they were so happy and having so much fun. Love.
Dalal De Denver ********************************************************************************
Dear Naguib ... I sent you this from the Contest page.... but it wasn't delivered. Dont know why .... here it is again. Will also copy Dr. Gouga in case you don't get this one too, because I am a winner !
Regards, Medhat ------------------- Sitting from right: Eugene, Nicolas, Rose and Petro (?) Standing from right: Fouad, Yvonne, Hend, Edmond, Jean The kids: Maurice and Hoda Year picture taken: 1935
Medhat ********************************************************************************
I Give Up????????????
Alain ********************************************************************************

Do You Know Who Is This Important Person?



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