This is home to the BIG Tannous family and its ramifications: Assal, Bechaalany, Khoury, Melek, Nasser, Mikhail, Shawi (or Chaoui), Stino, ... Families WORLD WIDE.



Message from your Webmaster

Hi everybody,
There is an urgent need for help to keep OUR pages alive, this one and the Tannous page . Please supply me with material: pictures, family news etc... I really need help. I am trying to make a face-lift for our web site, while preserving the original layout. It is far from complete. Any ideas?
Waguih Tannous.


In an attempt to make things easier and to have new material, and in order not to lose any of the old stuff, I will put in separate pages the different old news. So, for example, the news of Christine Chaoui's wedding will be in  Christine's file . There will be a link to all these files in the contents.


New    New

The Cube,


  The Family_photo_album  


Now you can be linked to motherland Egypt> The Egyptian Connection!

Now you can be HOT! with > The HOT Collection!Very Hot... Not So Soon...

If you want to Email all family members now in one easy step check this new e-mail form here> e-mail A Tous!

If you want to get hold of the current Family Email list...

Go to>   TheAddress Book

   (99% Here! Thanks to Naguib / Waguih)
If you want to Check out the Family Tree (or see which leaf of the tree you are!) Go here> Family Tree

To be informed when this page is updated, please write here your e-mail.

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(last update: November 12,1999)

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