MY GRADUATION, MAY 9, 1998: In May I graduated with my MBA in Finance from Syracuse University. I think my sister put it best when she wrote "JUST FOUR DIFFERENT SCHOOLS, ONE UNDERSTANDING HUSBAND, A FEW STUDENT LOANS, TWO KIDS, AND IT ONLY TOOK 19 YEARS!"
HOUSE RENOVATION, MARCH/APRIL 1998: For the last two months, we've been having a contractor put a 20 foot addition onto our house as well as renovate the existing structurewith new windows, siding and insulation. Come on in and see how it's coming along. I'll continue to post pictures as the progress continues!
EASTER EGG HUNT, APRIL 1998: Every year, our neighborhood association puts on an easter egg hunt for the local kids. Although neither of my boys won any of the big prizes, they had lots of fun and came home with lots of candy!
BIG SNOW STORM, DECEMBER 1997: At the end of December, we got a storm that left 3 feet of snow in just a day and a half. Boy did the kids have a great time! Wanna see?
MY BOYS THE ATHLETES: Some mom's are soccer moms. I'm a swimming, tumbling, soccer, basketball, and t-ball mom! So with all this physical activity, would someone pleeeasssse tell me why they still aren't tuckered out at bedtime? *shrug*
DISNEY WORLD, 1997: In August, the entire family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins) - 14 in all, packed our bags for a week together at Disney World. What a fabulous trip! Come on in and see the whole gang!