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I Am A Proud Member Of:

We are a group of women whom have know adversity. Women whom have seen struggle and pain...women who have had to fight for our place in the world. Women not afraid to speak our minds, or view our existance with eyes open...women who realize that the world is not such a beautiful place and aren't afraid to talk about it. Women who seek companionship---not with the 'ignorance-is-blissfuls' but with other women who want more and need more and expect more and are willing to say it out loud.

We are a group of friends, acquaintances, different and as similar as any human beings can be to one another, but in whom runs this common thread...the desire to stand up and be counted. To fight for what's ours, to fight for our family, our friends, our world, and our children. Women who smile broadly in the face of the name "bitch" for we know we had an impact.

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Phenomenal Women Of The Web

"You have been accepted into a very prestigious group of women on the internet, and in turn been given the 'Phenomenal Women On The Web' seal. This is a membership into a very exclusive group of Women. Please don't treat or think of this as just one of your awards to be stuck away on your awards page. It is not an award. It is a statement of who and what you are all about, and your stand on the WWW among the millions."
Inducted June 20, 1997

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