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What? Is it that time of the year again. It seems as though summer has only just started and now here we are facing another fall. The leaves will soon be turning the vivid shades of red, orange and yellow that we have come to associate with the fall of the year.
And next, also, is the time of havest here in the northern hemisphere. A time that we have come to know as "Thanksgiving" will soon be upon.
On many pages you will also see the celebration of Holloween. You will not find that on my pages. I am a Christian and this is not a time that I feel I wish to be celebrating. Instead you will see a celebration of the Harvest time in all of it's glory.
So come on in and Join me as we celebrate the Harvest and then the feast of Thanksgiving.
Oh, look over there at the birds flying about and scratching for food. I have some bread inside that is a bit hard let me go get it and we can feed them, also.
Everything that we do in our lives and every
encounter we have is what goes into making or live,
what they are today. How our parents raised us ane
what we believe or don't believe. My faith is that
of a Christian.Now, I'm not perfect, but that's the
wonderful thing about our Lord
He accepts us just where we are and loves us
There are other things that go into weaving the
fabric that makes up our lives. There are matters
concerning our family, children
and health issues. We can also depend on the things that we enjoy doing, like our hobbies making a lasting impression on our lives. For me a favorite
passtime is sewing.
There is a great deal of pleasure to be found in
taking a beautiful piece of fabric and forming it
into a lovely garment, or adding some lovely
freemotion or machine embroidery, some lace
embelishments. Oh, and the list goes on. This can be
so relaxing and quite a stress reducer. Speeking of
stress reducers it is a documented fact that people
who have pets in there lives live longer than those
who don't. Well, I have this little stress reducer
by the name of Casey
and she is quite a card. You just never know
exactly what she is going to be up to next.
Another activity that I have been involved in over the years is the Christian Clown Club. I am not able to function as a clown at this time, but as they say, "once a clown always a clown". My clown name is Popcorn. Popcorn has taken me to such events as a Clown day at the zoo, childrens hospitals, mental health hospitals, homes for the aged, clown ministry in churches, and last but certainly not least childrens partys and other social events. Popcorn has been quite an active character.
Since I mentioned the topic of children. There are
some families who have children who are missing. The Missing Childrens Network was founded for just the
purpose of helping to bring their young faces before
the public. Unfortunately those who visit this site
using webtv can not view the pictures of the Children since they have gone to a Java format, but to those
of you who can view this site please do visit it.
Please take a look at these young faces and if you
have seen any of them take the appropriate action.
Your help is greatly appriciated. Thankyou.
I hope that you have enjoyed your visit here at Sew Friendly and Please come back soon.
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The Missing Childrens WebRing | WebTV Webrings | Geocities and Heartland Rings |
Roses of Sharon & Ladies of The Heart | Christian Rings | Heartland Pet Webring |
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