Edinburgh SANDS - Events

(Stillbirth And Neonatal Death Society)

4th Floor Room 3
54a Fountainbridge
Edinburgh EH3 9PT

Befriending Helpline: 0131 622 6264
Administration Line: 0131 622 6263
FAX: 0131 622 6265

All About Us Monthly Meetings Befriending Network
Next Pregnancy Support Group Long Ago Bereaved How You Can Help Us
Edinburgh SANDS Contacts Other Useful Contacts Forthcoming Events

All About Us:-

Edinburgh SANDS is a registered Scottish charity whose aim is to offer support, understanding a and assistance, both of a practical and emotional nature to bereaved parents who have recently lost a baby through stillbirth or whose baby has died soon after birth.

Our group in Edinburgh is one of many groups and contacts set up in the UK.

An annual membership subscription can be paid to cover the cost of regular newsletters and information. This membership is entirely voluntary

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Monthly Group Meetings:-

Talking helps tremendously in getting through the grief and beginning to come to terms a little better with what has happened.

Our monthly group meetings give bereaved parents the opportunity to speak with others who have found themselves in the same situation and where talking of the baby who has died is not a taboo subject.

The meetings, which are very informal, are held on the 1st Monday of each month (except in January) at our Fountainbridge address from 8pm to 9.45pm.

They are open to mothers, fathers, grandparents and friends. We realise that attending such a meeting can be very daunting at first but most people find that the once the initial step has been taken, they feel better about attending future meetings.

We hold a small library of books which can be borrowed and which many people find helpful.

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Befriending Network:-

Of course, a group situation may not be liked by everyone and this is where our network of befrienders are available to talk with you.

Our befrienders are not professionals but are all other bereaved parents whose babies have died a few years ago but they remember all too clearly the pain and emptiness you are feeling.

If you would prefer to talk with one of our befrienders an a one to one basis either by telephone, letter or a visit, please contact us at the Fountainbridge telephone number/address.

Please do not be put off by our answering machine. We may be visiting or counselling a bereaved parent at the time you are phoning. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Next Pregnancy Support Group:-

Our group also hold a separate monthly meeting, normally on the 3rd Monday of each month at our Fountainbridge address at 8pm for those who are either pregnant or who are considering embarking on a subsequent pregnancy following the loss of a baby.

The next pregnancy is a very stressful and traumatic time, with much reassurance and support needed from partners, family, friends and the medical profession.

The aim of the monthly meetings of this group is also to provide support and reassurance, to meet with others in the same situation and to meet with members of the medical profession who can offer their knowledge and support.

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Long Ago Bereaved:-

Edinburgh SANDS also has a Long Ago Bereaved group. Although there are only about one or two meetings each year, we believe that people who lost their children many years ago may still have a lot of grief inside them.

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How You Can Help:-

There are many ways in which you can help Edinburgh SANDS. Below we have listed a few examples but the list is endless.

  • Organise an event.
  • Make a Donation.
  • Do a sponsored event with the proceeds going to Edinburgh SANDS.
  • Remember us in you will.
  • Top / Contacts / Forthcoming Events

    Edinburgh SANDS contacts:-

    Here are the committee members of Edinburgh SANDS. Although they are on the committee, they are also bereaved parents.

  • Dorothy McKenzie. Group Co-Ordinator.
  • Jenny Rudge. Treasurer.
  • Jane Rose. Fundraising Co-Ordinator.
  • Carol Stemp. Next Pregnancy Support Group.
  • Top / Contacts / Forthcoming Events

    Other Useful Contacts:-

    Here are other groups which can be contacted. Please let us know by email if there are any other groups which may be relevant to this site.

    In Scotland

  • West Lothian SANDS
    Meetings held on the 2nd Monday of each month from 8pm to 9.45pm at St Paul's Church, Fernbank, Ladywell, Livingston, West Lothian.
    Contact Edinburgh SANDS for further details.
  • In The U.K.

  • National SANDS
    28 Portland Place, London W1N 4DE
    Help Line: 0171 436 5881 (overseas +44 171 436 5881)
    Admin/Publications: 0171 436 7940 (overseas +44 171 436 7940)
  • Worldwide


  • SANDS Queensland
  • SANDS Victoria
  • SANDS Western Australia
  • The Compassionate Friends - Western Australia Chapter
  • Canada

  • Bereaved Families of Ontaria
  • Malta

  • The Compassionate Friends - Malta Chapter
  • U.S.A.

  • The Compassionate Friends - National Office
  • The Compassionate Friends - South Central Missouri Chapter
  • The Compassionate Friends - Greater Salt Lake Chapter
  • The Compassionate Friends - Baton Rouge Chapter
  • The Compassionate Friends - South East Texas Chapters
  • The Compassionate Friends - San Diego Chapter
  • The Compassionate Friends - Boise, Idaho Chapter
  • The Compassionate Friends - Troy, MI Chapter
  • The Compassionate Friends - Orlando, FL Chapter
  • The Compassionate Friends - Southern Maryland Chapter
  • The Compassionate Friends - Atlanta, TX Chapter
  • Top / Contacts / Forthcoming Events

    Note from the author:

    My name is George Cormack and I have produced these pages in appreciation of the help which Edinburgh SANDS has given my wife, Allison, myself, and our daughter, Hayley, following the death of our son/brother, Sean, in December 1994, aged 10 days.
    Please feel free to email me if you would like further information about this website. Although I am a bereaved parent myself, I would prefer it if you contacted the office directly should you be in need of assistance from Edinburgh SANDS following the death of a child.

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