Our tree is getting in better shape found lots more info on our families!! So check it out you might just find some relation! Grab a cup of coffee and do some looking.

I'm John McCallom and my wife is Linda (Middleton) McCallom. We have three grown children,five grandsons and a granddaughter. Have been digging into Mom's photos to put on our home page.

We have been working on our family tree for about ten years now. Family members have helped a lot with information plus going to a lot of cemeteries and of course the Internet.Most of our ancestors came over from Scotland and England to Canada. Some settled in Canada while others came to the United States. Most of our ancestors settled in St.Clair County and Sanliac County in Michigan.

You will notice some spelling differences in names such as McCallum. Ours is the only one spelled McCallom because on my fathers birth certificate it was spelled wrong and never changed. When the MacLachlan's came from Scotland to Canada they shortened the last name to McLachlan. We have been working hard on our pages since Jan. 01, 1998 and here it is 2006, Im the next few days I will be adding more info. We have added Middleton page and I am working on French Family page.Have found out a lot of info on the McLachlan's in the last month, which I will be making another page on them. We also would like to add a page of our favorite recipes and some low fat recipes. THANK YOU. McCallom's

Here is a list of some of the names in our families.







The picture below is Isaac & Lucy (French) Middleton

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St. Clair County

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