The Ashton Home Page Address Book
Manfred Hedrich - 11/23/00 15:17:50
My Email:mannyhed@t-online.de How did you find us?: By email from Dan jr.
Favorite Book and Author: The Bible
Hi Dan this is just great now you have a cousin
(two we are twins) in Germany. Hope to see you soon online. Manny
Charles Ashton - 10/14/00 19:15:06
My Email:CAshton105@aol.com How did you find us?: Cyndi's List
Charles Ashton - 10/14/00 19:14:18
My Email:CAshton105@aol.com How did you find us?: Cyndi's List
Stephanie Ashton - 08/07/00 19:39:22
My Email:stephanie_ashton8910@hotmail.com How did you find us?: im related to you
i like cheese
Kelly J. Ashton (Now Carlson) - 03/25/00 15:00:22
My Email:markman@ma.ultranet.com How did you find us?: Surfing
Favorite Book and Author: Walden, Henry David Thoreau
Very sad to be the last of the Ashtons in my family. Since my father seems to recall his grandparents' names as "Nana & Grampy", I fear I don't have much to go on in order to find possible family members. My Grandfather's name was William Kenneth. I be
ive his father's name was William as well. My Grandfather had two sisters, Beatrice & Bearl. Any relatives out there? Orinated in England I'm told.
Robin R. Sproba - 02/28/00 19:48:09
My URL:http://www.sproba.com
My Email:rsproba@mcia.com How did you find us?: web search
I've been trying to find out the mysterious cause of death of my husband's grandmother, Gladys Alberta Brandt Sproba. His father, Stan Sproba, Jr., won't talk about it. His father was raised in a "foster home" after his mother died when he was very youn
. It looks like your family is related to mine through the first marriage of Gladys Brandt Sproba to Homer Bennett Pratt. Let me know if you've got anymore information. Thanks. Where do you live? My husband, Mike Sproba, was born in Rochester, NY, bu
we live in Willis, TX now.
st.onge - 02/16/00 00:57:36
My Email:ultimatecrush@aol.com How did you find us?: through ask jeeves
if you find anything on St.Onge let me know thanks!
Ian Broinowski - 02/08/00 05:16:02
My Email:ibroinowski@hotmail.com How did you find us?: search
russ ruhl - 01/05/00 18:14:00
My Email:rusruhl@hotmail.com How did you find us?: ny cousins
can't find my ashton notebook, looking for john henry ashton data rochtster ny area. thx rr
11/12/99 05:16:18
Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook
russ ruhl - 10/19/99 01:57:36
My Email:rusruhl@hotmail.com How did you find us?: cousins
dan, on your mt hope cemetery page[s] you show the last name ruhl five times...should this be ashton? advise.
Raymond P. Peer - 07/20/99 15:23:05
My Email:peerson@att.net How did you find us?: Wayne County Page
I will bring you up to date on Craven family and
also on Tummonds family.My grandmother was Mary
Craven Palmer. I did know Charlie and Bea Pratt.
Knew your mother and dad very well. Richard Terry
was Bob's brother.Did you get the Craven info from my 1st cousin,Carolyn Palmer Jordan.Would be
glad to help you to correct the errors that you have.Would like to know info on Barbara as I
did not know that she had died until my mother died. I do remember you when I visited your home
on Brick Church Road. Ray Peer
Raymond P. Peer - 07/20/99 15:22:41
My Email:peerson@att.net How did you find us?: Wayne County Page
I will bring you up to date on Craven family and
also on Tummonds family.My grandmother was Mary
Craven Palmer. I did know Charlie and Bea Pratt.
Knew your mother and dad very well. Richard Terry
was Bob's brother.Did you get the Craven info from my 1st cousin,Carolyn Palmer Jordan.Would be
glad to help you to correct the errors that you have.Would like to know info on Barbara as I
did not know that she had died until my mother died. I do remember you when I visited your home
on Brick Church Road. Ray Peer
Roberta Gagne - 06/29/99 13:49:33
My Email:joegagne@msn.com How did you find us?: genealogy search
Favorite Book and Author: Grisham
Found your genealogy site. Thanks for sharing your info with me. Some common ancestors are John Alden, James Olmstead, James Chilton.
Cliff Waits - 04/23/98 11:31:16
My Email:cwaits@ibm.net How did you find us?: Dan Ashton
Favorite Book and Author: William Goldman, Ludlam,
Have been reading a great deal about the internet lately.
Dan Ashton - 04/16/98 04:59:37
My Email:dashton@and1.com How did you find us?: Just Surfing
Favorite Book and Author: 2001
Rosie - 03/03/98 13:09:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/1339
My Email:car4ever@bangornews.infi.net How did you find us?: Geobanner
Favorite Book and Author: Nora Roberts
You have a very nice page. It's good to see there are fellow readers out there. I love to read just about any kind of book. Keep up the great work. Please stop by my page and sign the guestbook *g*
Roger Ashton SR. - 02/08/98 18:30:44
My URL:http://rpa524
My Email:shag192@aol.com How did you find us?: from your dad
Hi just checking out your site . I also have new site. l' ll send you email so you can get my new address Uncle Roger
Your sister Jenn - 01/25/98 23:18:15
Hey all!.. Finally got Dad into the 90's.... His Email address is DLA0812@aol.com
well, hope everyone is doing well. chat w/ya soon
Dave Pacey - 01/20/98 20:08:32
My URL:http://members.aol.com/executeuk/index.html
My Email:davepacey@gentre.globalnet.co.uk How did you find us?: Link you left on my guest book
Your site is very good, well laid out etc.
I have reorganised mine now, if you care to take another look.
Ronald Trevor Ashton - 01/16/98 13:33:18
My Email:T.Ashton@wigan-leigh.ac.uk How did you find us?: surfing the web looking for family information
Favorite Book and Author: Winged Pharoah Joan Grant
Andrew Ashton - 01/12/98 16:58:22
My URL:http://www.sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca/~ad785/family/
My Email:ad785@sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca How did you find us?: GeoCities Search
Favorite Book and Author: Oliver Sacks
Wow... yet another Ashton Family "home on the web."
I'm still in the midst of finishing my family's page but most of it is up and everyone is welcome!!
Gail LaTour - 12/30/97 11:54:39
My Email:gail.latour@INTERNETMCI.com
I Love that new picture of your family. I am now settong up my family home page. Have a wonderful New Year. Love Aunt Gail
Darwin Johnson Sr. - 12/24/97 22:08:58
My Email:darwinj@swbell.net How did you find us?: family tree maker online
was checking out relatives of Richard Molyneux #3483520. Was attempting to trace past his son Thomas #1741760. The info you have does not match with my genology book so am still trying to verify. Thanks.
By the way I am a decendant of William Molyneux.
Dan Ashton - 12/23/97 23:30:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/hills/2835
My Email:Dan-Ashton@worldnet.att.net How did you find us?: Surfed on in
Favorite Book: The Measure of a Man
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