You might want to take a look at some of the other places we hang our hats.
These are just modest efforts on our part which we hope to improve as time allows.
Suggests and comments are always welcome.
The family Gedcom generated for the net
by webGed:Progenitor
is available here. To really use
this site to best advantage you need Netscape
3, but you can still search the surnames with old browsers.
Connie's special page at Stanford is available here.
Here is a pretty page created by the nice page generator at Angelfire.
Yet another page created by an automatic page program. There are a few links here to some of our favorite sites.
Additionally, every family member has their own personal page where in theory we are free to put links to our favorite sites, text and images. Everyone is still trying to deal with all this freedom so construction is the usual state.
Finally, there are the links to our pages of links. You can go to these from the Main page or just click one of the following and we will do the driving for you:
Aromatheraphy | Lyme Disease | Genealogy | Just Plain Fun | Search Engines