Genealogy Information on the Net
The Genealogy Home Page | Lots of usefull, categorized info | Treasure Maps | Offers a free newsletter and a tour of the Family History Center | |
The Library of Virginia | Not just Virginia. Lots of useful links |
Gensource--search tools | resouces and more; maybe a good place to start | |
Helm's Tool Box | Journal of Online Genealogy | |||
Family Tree Maker | Not just for those who use their software | A Barrel of Genealogy Links | Just what it says. | |
World Wide |
GENUKI--United Kingdom | Great source of info and links for England, Scotland and Ireland | World Wide Genealogy Resources | Cover the world--find a site to match the country you need | |
Royal and Noble | Not just the Royals | Genealogy Online | US GenWeb Projects--State Links | |
FTP--Online Resources | Useable links | Anonymous FTP site | lots of genealogy and a fun way to search | |
Commerical and more |
Software | They sell Family Reunion online | Family Tree Maker | Widely used and accepted | |
Lineages, Inc | fee site | TLC | books for sell on Colonial related subjects | |
Useful Sites |
Genealogy Info | Link to related newsgroups and FAQs | Surname Web | Worth a try | |
Just between us, the best links on the net are the ones you find yourself. Using the above sites you can discover other sites which may lead you just to what you want. Included here are sites that we use a lot, sites that led us to something important, and sites that struck us as interesting. You will not find our complete list of links here. You probably would not be interested and if we need those they are bookmarked and catagorized, but if you would like to have a peak click here. You may be disappointed that you found no links to some real popular sites. Those are so readily available that they do not need repeating here.
This list last updated 1/9/1999
We will try to update as we find new things of interest.