<BGSOUND SRC="/neldap/userfiles:/user/Boot_Scootin_Boogie.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>



I have recently retired from the Florida Department of Corrections - Apalachee Correctional Institution, West Unit as a Correctional Officer Sergeant. I worked with the Department for 17 years and truely enjoyed it for the most part but for medical reasons it was time for me to leave.



Computer's, Webpage's although this one need A LOT of update, Grandchildren, camping and boating.


Nelda's Nest


Stop and hang out,


My Critters

I have two dogs. We tend to collect unwanted dogs and cats people "dump" in the woods around our house. I have to say, I have had some pretty doggone good dogs as a result. The two we have right now are Kokomo, a beautiful chow/whatever and Rusty, a whatever. Kokomo was a dump dog that we took to the vet and saved her life then fell in love with. Now she's beautiful and the queen around here. Rusty is another dump dog, not so pretty, but we've kind of gotten attached to him.



Contact Me

I would love to hear your comments, suggestions, and questions. Drop me a line.



Photo Galary

Ofcourse I've got to show off the photos of the Grandchildren! I have 5 now, Jonathan, Adrianna, Kelly, Katianne and Bowie. I am a very proud grandmother. Yes, yes, I know, I've got to get these pages updated.


Fiveash Family History

This is a history of my Fiveash Family line. At least as far as we've been able to trace back. Fiveash is a very differant name and up til' now every Fiveash that I've met on the internet has been traced back to the same family tree.



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Copyright © 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007
Page designed and created by Nelda Fiveash Peacock
Last updated: June 22, 2007