LaJuana's Happy Family Page

Where Family Comes First

Hi! I'm LaJuana, and I'm from central Arkansas. My husband, Ed, and I have been married 21 years. We have three beautiful children: Meghan, Daniel and Caitlin. Our family is committed to putting our relationship as a family first, as a picture of God's relationship with His church. We believe that God gives us children to raise in His love and knowledge. How better to do this than having your children alongside you as you go about your day?

To this end, we are homeschoolers. We started the journey into homeschooling with great reluctance, but due to the public school situation here and the cost of private schools, we felt we had no alternative. Imagine our surprise when we found (once again) that God wouldn't lead us on a path to frustration and unhappiness but to fulfillment and great abundance. We are allowed the blessing of seeing the light of learning in our childrens' eyes on a daily basis!

Daniel and Caitlin enjoy homeschooling. Daniel is really interested in history and science this year. Caitlin is enjoying science, too. They are using Bob Jones science curriculum, and there are a lot of experiments. We really like doing them together.

Meghan moved up to the East Campus of NLR High School this fall, starting ninth grade. Choir and drama are her strong suits. She sang in Regional Choir this past year, and performed as Kate in Oklahoma! in the spring. Right now, she's being taught at home by a most-wonderful homebound teacher, because she had shoulder surgery earlier this fall. It looks like she'll be home until the second semester. We all like having her with us during the day!  Although my personal choice would be to homeschool Meghan also, our excellent relationship with Meghan is very precious to me. We are very proud of her for maintaining her high standards against the peer pressure that is so pervasive among teenagers today.

Juana, Meghan, Daniel, Ed and Caitlin

Another important facet of our parenting is my involvement with La Leche League, International. Breastfeeding your child is such a warm and nurturing experience -- you can't help but get off to a good start parenting this way. Breastmilk is the superior food for babies. Breastfed babies enjoy all the advantages of a food source which is also a protection from illness, an ever-changing source of nutrition which protects and nourishes. The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, La Leche League's definitive book on the practice of breastfeeding, is available from

I have read a lot of books on family, parenting and homeschooling. Several which I would recommend highly are: "The Way Home" by Mary Pride, "All the Way Home" by Mary Pride, "A Full Quiver" by Rick Hess, and "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" by Josh Harris.  If you want to be challenged, both spiritually and as a parent, check out these thought-provoking books. You can order them from by clicking on the book titles. But be careful -- they just might change your life!

Our Three Treasures at Silver Dollar City

LaJuana's Bookstore

My Photo Album

Human Milk for Human Babies

Check Out Our Camping Page

Meet Some of My Friends

Meghan's Page

Fun and Games

At the Sea-N-Suds in Gulf Shores, Alabama

Links to other sites on the Web

La Leche League International
Lots of Homeschool Links!
Parenting Advice we are concerned about
Another Link on the Ezzo Method
Parent Soup! -- Coolest parents' site on the Web
Moms Online -- Check out their live La Leche League Chats
Original Look -- Really cool desktop wallpapers and themes
My friend, Deb's site! Trek alert!

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Thanks for visiting the Oswalt's Happy Family Page, last updated November 7, 1999 at 4:30  p.m. when I added a photo album of pictures of our family. I tried to make the images small enough that you don't wait forever to see each page. Let me know if they are too slow for you.

I've added a bookstore to my site! Check out the books this family enjoys, order them directly from by clicking on the book titles. If you want a book you don't see mentioned on my site, drop me an email note and I'll try to get it up here for you ! Or use the handy search listed on this and the bookstore pages. Doesn't help ME as much if you use the search, but it's easier for you!

Meghan has a page and the link is now included here.

My involvement with La Leche League has had a profound impact on my life, not just in the area of breastfeeding, which came very easily to me, but in my parenting skills. Learn more about La Leche League and the Womanly Art of Breastfeeding on the Human Milk for Human Babies page.

And for those of you who appreciate a laugh every now and then, don't miss the Forest Service funnies on the camping page. The camping page has some updated Branson information, so be sure to check it out!

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