Established in 1992, we are EXCLUSIVELY involved with the MALTESE breed. Although we have been breeding for a relatively short time our breeding program is solidly based on three truly outstanding and enduring lines - Marcris (Joyce Watkins, Miami, Florida) ; Pashes (Sheila Meyers & Patsy Stokes, Rockwall, Texas); and Su-Le (Bob & Barbara Berquist, New Boston, Michigan). Much of our foundation has come from our very close friends Tonia Holibaugh (Rhapsody Maltese, Austin, Texas) and Pamela Armstrong (Hi-Lite Maltese, Federal Way, Washington); but their programs, to various extents (like ours) are also based on some of these same older lines.
The direct and lasting impact on our own breeding program of such top producing stud dogs as CH Pashes Beau Didley ROM, INT CH Marcris Risque' Business ROM, CH Su-Le's Cordon Bleu ROM, and now our own top producer and foundation stud dog, CH Marcris Indecent Proposal ROM (Indy); and the impact on our breeding program of such top producing bitches as CH Ju-Le's First Noel ROM, CH Hi-Lite Heather's A Showoff ROM, and CH Marcris Pebbles of Rhapsody ROM cannot be overstated. These animals have all directly impacted the breed as a whole. They each have significant roles in the pedigrees of all of our foundation stock and it is through the extension and recombination of these dogs into future generations that we anticipate breeding truly DIVINE MALTESE.
We currently own four outstanding stud dogs - CH Marcris Indecent Proposal ROM, CH Rio Vista Beignet Royale, CH Rhapsody's Indecent Mystery, and CH Rhapsody's Divine Bleu Angel. We also have a quality line-up of lovely "finished" bitches including CH Rhapsody's White Pepper, CH Lepetit's Heavenly Seraphim, CH Hi-Lite Anastasia's A Showoff, CH Pashes Buttons And Beaus, CH Marcris Divinely Risque', CH Erinlee Clearly Crystal, and CH Divine's Indecent Imagination. Although not finished, both Pashes Divine Miss M and Hi-Lite Sunshine Bleu have shown to be quality producers in their own right, each with show-quality ( and winning) progeny already in the ring.
We enjoy the challenge and amusement of finishing our dogs while they are still puppies, not because they develop into anything but simply splendid adults but rather we do it because we feel that spectators and fancier's alike enjoy seeing puppies as well as adults at a dog show. So, if our puppies can be competitive then we want them to compete. Plus, we enjoy the shows and rarely do we have an adult available to show because our entries do finish at such a young age.
We breed for "overall type" first and foremost, concentrating on the picture presented by the animal taken as a whole without concentrating on any single individual characteristic. We look first for "Balance" - a good side profile will exhibit a somewhat cobby body with sufficient length of neck and leg to promote elegance and, along with a dead-level topline and high proud head carriage, we would see pictured our ideal outline. Next we seek a bright white, opalescent flat-lying true silk coat combined with full, deep pigmentation of the "points". This is the truly unique aspect of the Maltese that sets it apart from the rest of the Canine world, and the importance of a true-silk bright white long flowing coat set beneath full strong deep pigmentation of the eye rims and nose (providing the alert expression that is critical to the picture), cannot be overstated. Along with the "look" MUST come a temperament consistent with a companion animal - alert to the point of boldness but with a sweetness and loyalty that is both charming and endearing. While a lovely head with moderate muzzle length together with great fronts, rears, and shoulders are certainly on the "wish list" we choose to concentrate first on the overall impression of the dog standing dead still rather than concentrate first on movement. A dog that exhibits a balanced side profile when self-stacked and when gaited on a loose lead will invariably have its many body parts well put together. Pretty heads are important - but, the extremeness of the true "baby-doll" head is not our goal - although we do get them regularly, and we certainly draw on this beauty to help maintain the prettiness in the more standard head that we consider correct. Generally, and by choice, we produce Maltese on the smaller end of the size spectrum - usually in the 4 to 5 ½ pound range - with the males (we keep) generally being smaller than the females.
Producing a truly outstanding line of top Maltese show dogs is, indeed, our prime objective. However, we do NOT consider the production of "pet puppies" to be simply a "necessary evil" by-product of the production of Champion show dogs. Rather, we strive to consistently produce entire litters with healthy minds and bodies. We take these pups' natural gifts and, with personal attention and training (particularly from our three adolescent sons), enable all of our puppies to eventually become someone's pet - and we are proud of this. The Maltese is a COMPANION DOG in the truest sense of the expression. He is a loyal, devoted and constant companion of his masters - children as well as adults - and he is often found playfully cavorting with other canines and even with felines, if they will abide that.
We welcome your interest in the Maltese breed and hope that we can provide you with a companion, whether for pet or for show, that will find a special place in your heart. Should we not have anything immediately available that fits your needs or expectations we would rather help put you in touch with one of our friends that are "in the breed" than have you accept something that you'd consider to be a "compromise", whether from us or from someone else.