Razzle Dazzle Two To Tango

Tango showing in Ronoake Va.

Tango wins group 1 at Colonial Terrier Club 2005

Tango wins his first point at the Warrenton Kennel Club in Leesburg Oct 1, 2005. This was his second weekend out.

Tango wins BOB and Group 1 at the Mid Atlantic Kennel Club in Va. on Nov. 13, 2005.

Tango wins BOB and Group 2 at the Mid Atlantic Kennel Club in Va. on Nov. 12, 2005.

Tango wins BOB and Group 4 at the Mid Atlantic Kennel Club in Va. on Nov. 12, 2005.

Tango wins BOB and Group 4 at the Mid Atlantic Kennel Club in Va. on Nov. 12, 2005.