This handsome guy is an AKC registered greyhound and a real gentleman! Gee, maybe some of his gentlemanly behavior will rub off on Comet, who needs any assistance of that nature that he can get...
If you'd like to adopt a Virtual Greyhound, visit
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One of the most interesting and entertaining threads that has appeared on Greyhound-L consisted of limericks. Being poetically challenged, I
had to settle for appreciating everyone else's limericks about their hounds until Carla Pickering offered to write one for my "girls." At that point, Amber was still with us, and Comet was still at the track. Hmmm. I wonder if she'll write a few lines to add Comet in?
And the answer is--YES! See "The Next Chapter" below.
*Topaz was featured in the "Celebrating Greyhounds 1997 Calendar" for December. The photo on her page (link below) is the one same as in the calendar.
So you think you don't have room for a greyhound? I'm at the limit allowed by Baltimore County without needing a kennel license, but I've figured a way
around that! Since Comet has decided that he needs another guy to hang out with, and since Gatsby is a real "parti" animal
(he's a parti-color grey!), and since Scribe is a friend of mine.... I'm announcing my virtual adoption of
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