My sincere thanks to Grogg for creating my banner, and to Laura Pierce for creating my "doorkey"!
I'm honored this site is considered a
(Or, how I became a Greyhound addict)

From looking at other pages, it seems mine will be set up somewhat differently--instead of just showing pictures of my crew, I'll be telling somewhat about them, and my journey into greyhound addiction, as well.
Click on the "doorkey" below to
enter, but be warned...
Greyhounds are like potato chips;

Table of Contents
Beginnings Amber Topaz Jonesy Comet
Greyhound Glossary Pannus Osteosarcoma
About Greyhound Mom
Flights of Fancy Greyt Links
GeoCities Webrings Awards this site has won
Guest Book, Part 1 Guest Book, Part 2 Guest Book, Part 3 Guest Book, Part 4
