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My name is Cornelia Barr. Welcome to my Food page. 

Here's a little info about me.

I'm a survivor of cancer living with heart disease and diabetes. My time is spent painting, cooking, woodworking, and taking care of my family. I also do HTML and enjoy working with the Internet. It seems there aren't enough hours in the day to do eveything!

In Association with Amazon.com
Amazon.com. The Best Place to get, like it says, Books, Music, and more! Come on, you know you want to... :)

I have gotten some Great Cookbooks from them and the price was lower then anywhere else I looked !

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                     My Page of Food Links Hey, I'm always looking for new weird canning recipes to try! (None of my kids have died [yet] from anything I've cooked!) If you know of any cool food sites that aren't here, email me and let me know!
You Can go here to see some of my Paintings ! The Rest of The Family!
And you can go here to see what I have for sale on E-Bay !
The Pennsylvania Environmental Defense Foundation
A non-profit pollution fighting group.



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If there are any problems with them please, Drop me a Line !