How Joe and I Met
On June 15, 1995, while still living in Clackamas, Oregon, a lady I worked with offered to take me out to lunch for my birthday, which had been the previous day. I didn't know her that well, but we had always gotten along, so I agreed. Well, while eating, she began to ask if I was seeing anyone and what type of man I was looking for. After telling her my 'criteria', she said she knew of the perfect man: her nephew, Joe. She said he was tall (over 6 feet) with dark hair, brown eyes, fit body, and knew where he was going in life. He had already been in the Air Force for about 9 years and planned on retiring from it in 11. She gave me his address and I wrote him a letter that same day.
We had been writing back and forth for about 3 months, when I realized I REALLY liked this guy! We had a lot of the same likes and dislikes, values, and interests. I hoped he was feeling the same, but he was pretty reserved.
I had asked in one of my letters for him to call me, but he was too nervous to. So, one day at work, I called him! We talked for a very short time, but each of us said how great it was to finally hear the other's voice. After that, we spoke on the phone to each other once a week, while still writing letters.
He had already planned to take leave and come 'home' to visit in December, 1995, so I was getting anxious to finally meet him. His family had already taken me in and also hoped that he liked me.
Well, after 6 months, to the day, of writing and talking to each other (we exchanged some pictures, too), his family and I went to the airport to pick him up. I don't know how I made it without passing out!!! We had talked a couple days earlier about what we would do when we met. We decided that we would hug, then hold hands from then on. I was worried he wouldn't like what he saw in person; he worried the same thing. Our worries vanished, though, when he walked up that ramp and we saw each other! He hugged his mom first, then me...what a hug!!! We immediately held hands right afterward and all the way to his mom's house. We both spent the night enjoying all the relatives who were there to greet him (and find out how we'd hit it off!), yet wishing we could be alone. Finally, after everyone had left, we took a walk--holding hands the whole time. I was still a little nervous, but I always am around someone I've never met before. I always wonder what they're thinking about me.
The first few nights were incredibly hard for me. We'd spend the first part of the night doing something with each other, then I'd have to go home and spend the rest of the night wishing the next day would arrive so I could see him again!! That only lasted a short time though, because here's where it really gets good.
We were at his mom's watching movies one night (must have been around the 20th). His mom and stepdad had already gone to bed. Well, we were talking about having kids (not necessarily together, just in general) and after a while, it was apparent we were starting to talk in terms of us/we/our. All of a sudden, he said, "Well, if we're going to be having kids, we'd better be married, don't you think?". AAHHHHHHH!!!! I looked at him stunned-like, and asked if he just asked what I think he just asked. He affirmed it. We instantly hugged, and that was the first night I spent with him (the WHOLE night). The next morning, I could tell his mom was wondering what had happened, if anything. But we didn't say a word..just 'good morning' and then acted as if everything was normal.
As I was leaving to go home to do some things, he stopped me and said that he'd better actually ask the question for it to be official, and asked me if I'd marry him! Of course I said 'yes'!!!!!!!!
We originally planned to get married in August. After some deliberating, on January 10th, 1996, during my lunch hour from work, we decided to 'just do it'. We went to the courthouse, filled out the paperwork, and went to the yellow pages to find someone who could marry us that weekend. See, Joe was leaving January 14th, so we were in a rush! We found a wonderful reverand who was available, then proceeded to tell the family. My parents lived in Port Angeles, Washington, so I was worried they wouldn't be able to make it after such short problem, they said!!! For the next 2 days, everyone was planning for the wedding that would take place at Joe's dad's house.
The night before the wedding was an experience, as was the morning of. All the salespeople with the company I worked for were in town for meetings. They were all gathering that night so everybody could meet. Joe and I went and had a great time!! Until someone bought me a shot os Scotch to celebrate our upcoming wedding. I'd never had Scotch before, and I certainly never will again!!! I was down for the count within 15 minutes. I feel so sorry for Joe and his mom and stepdad for having to take care of me that night. I was a mess!! And the next morning wasn't much better.
The wedding was scheduled for 1pm. I had a hair appointment set for around 8:30am. Needless to say, I didn't make the hair appointment and had Joe reschedule it for noon. All morning, everyone was trying to get me out of bed. Believe me, I would have gotten up earlier if I could have! Every time I moved, I felt like I was going to faint, and I couldn't keep anything down..I mean nothing! I was close to asking Joe to take me to the hospital, I was so bad. Well, when I felt well enough to get out of bed without fainting (this was at about 11am), I stumbled to the shower. Joe was out picking up his suit, my dress from the cleaners, etc. When he got back, we rushed to the hair salon. Once we were done there, we rushed to his dad's. I believe I had less than 1/2 an hour to get ready. But, I can tell you that once that adrenaline kicked in, I was doing great!!!
It was beautiful. Only family and close friends. I had been married once before and had had a very big, expensive, church wedding...this beat it without a doubt. The love I felt that day was incredible, and I wouldn't have changed a thing.
That night, we stayed at a hotel by the airport and totally splurged!! It was a bittersweet time, though, because Joe had to catch his flight at 5am the next morning. I remember trying to hold back my sobs as he walked down the ramp and out of sight. I got to my car, drove back to the hotel, and sat in the parking lot sobbing as I saw his plane fly overhead. We had planned on my moving to New Mexico to be with him in August so we could get our finances in order. I knew at that moment that I wouldn't be able to last a month without being with him.
A month later (told you), I was packing up all my belongings in a Ryder truck, getting ready to move to New Mexico. My mom and I drove that truck, while towing my car, for 3 1/2 days. I didn't know how much I'd like or dislike New Mexico, but now, after having our first anniversay less than a month ago, I realize I LOVE New Mexico!! Now, I also realize that it's because I'm here with Joe. I'll love any state we live long as I have my Joe with me.
I hope you enjoyed my story...and wish you all the luck I've had in finding true love!!!
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