Welcome To Antonia's Page!!

(This is my first home page...please bear with me!!)
I Have Found That The Colors I Chose For My Pages Are Not Showing Up Correctly On Microsoft Internet Explorer...I Designed These Pages On Netscape Navigator---I Apologize For Any 'Eye-Soreness'

My Husband and Our Pets:

Hi! I'm Antonia and I'm married to Joe, a WONDERFUL man!!! We were married January 13, 1996--how we met is almost like a story out of a book! Joe and I have three pets: Taz, a female german shepherd; Amber, a female tortoise-shell cat; and Kokko, a female seal-point siamese kitten. All are the best pets I've ever known!!!

My Adoption Experiences:

I am both an adoptee and a birthmother. You can read my story of being an adoptee and searching for and finding my birthmother by linking below.

I was 19 when I found out I was pregnant. At first, I insisted I was going to keep my baby, no matter what I had to do. After about a month, I realized I wasn't mature enough to raise a child. So, I started to arrange to put him up for adoption. I had no idea how it was going to be handled, or what to expect. Thank goodness I found the attorney's I did!! They arranged an open adoption...I got to choose the adoptive parents. We talked and corresponded all through-out the pregnancy. When I gave birth, they flew from Massachusetts to Oregon to see me and their new son--I have several pictures of us all in the hospital! They were required to update me for the first year with letters and pictures...they did for six years!!! After my reunion with my own birthmother, I sent them a letter with some pictures from the reunion asking if they would update me again. Within about a week, I had another letter and more pictures! They even apologized for not updating me for the last two years, explaining that several things have been going on that's taken all of their energy. I am SO happy now! The lines of communication are once again open!!!

Antonia's Reunion Story (reunion with her birthmother--the original can also be read by linking to the 'YourFamily' site listed below)

How Joe and I Met

Page Of Pictures

Some Links To Other Sites On The Web ALSO: links to VeggieTales MIDI's!!

VeggieTales (of which you are listening to the theme song)-Fun site for ALL!

-Grapes of Wrath

-Love Your Neighbor

-Veggies Out To Sea

-What I've Learned

YourFamily--The story of the reunion with my birthmother

AIML: Adoptee's Internet Mailing List website

Ancestry website--Free Databases including SSDI (Social Security Death Index)

ONNA mailing list website--Site and Mailing List for Women Trying To Get Pregnant..Lots of GREAT Information, Help, and Support!!

Internet Spam Control Center--Tired of getting SPAM???? This site may be able to help...FOR FREE!!!

No Junk E-Mail--Another site to help in stopping SPAM...ALSO FREE!!!

Thank you for coming!

Email me at: Antonia
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