This is my World on the Web, and I bid you Welcome!     The background you see here is only my 2nd attempt at making a background and graphic set.  Not too shabby. (If I do say so myself) :-)
If you like what you see here...please check out my "Graphics by Willi" pages.  I have just opened this site, and it will be added to quite often, as my knowledge of PSP6 and PSP7 evolves.  Please bookmark this site.....because things will be changing, and I will have alot to add in the future.
I hope you enjoy your visit and find something that you like.

I would love to know that you've been here, so please take a moment to sign my GuestBook.
You will find it below.

Just "click" on the Logo to Enter.
Some of our Favorite Places to visit:
....Coming Soon!!

Life ~ What A
Beautiful Choice!


Adopoted: July 3, 2000

Stop Abortion ~ Not A Beating Heart!

Please take a moment to stop in and sign my GuestBook.  That way I can visit you too.  :-)

To contact us....please send e-mail to:   dadams@carolina.net
Thank you for being visitor number...
This page designed and maintained by Willi / Graphics by Willi.
Copyright © 2000-2001