Welcome to Isn't It Romantic?

This page has been updated and quite a few pages added to it with some great ideas to keep the spark in your marriage or romance. I hope you enjoy them and find them useful and enjoyable! If you have any suggestions, please email them to me, and I will be more than happy to give you full credit for your ideas!

  Dear Abby's Ten Commandments of Love  

  Love Coupons  

  Love Stories That Will Touch Your Heart  

  Ways To Say I Love You  

Don't wait for Valentine's Day each year to be a sweetheart. Call someone you love and say, "I love you." Make two or three calls! Who says you can't love more than one person ~ in different ways of course.

Go through your closets and give all those clothes that you've been saving until you lose 10 pounds to your favorite charity.

Call or e-mail someone who's lonely and say, "I'm thinking of you." Or better yet, say, "I'll be over tomorrow and take you to lunch, run some errands for you, or give you a ride."

It's called random acts of kindess ~ please practice them each and every day!! You will make someone's day, and it'll make yours too!!


Loving You

Gregory J.P. Godek's 1001 Way To Be Romantic

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